Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Benefits that are associated with good growth Essay

Benefits that are associated with good growth - Essay Example This essay discusses that once the living standards decline or stagnate, there is little or no progress at all in most societies toward any of the aforementioned goals, this leads to retrogression in many instances. The importance of good economic growth cannot therefore be overlooked as it ensures standards of living are improved as well as the well being of the economy itself. The impacts of economic growth should not necessary be negative towards the environment. It has been argued by some economist that economic growth can ultimately lead to environmental improvement, notwithstanding the increase in environmental degradation in the past associated with economic growth. As Robert Reich puts it, economic growth does not necessarily mean production of a lot of stuff, but rather, it is all about the nation’s ability to produce everything that the inhabitants of that nation want and need, which include improvement of public health, schools, as well as effective management of en vironment. This statement is validated by the argument advanced by Friedman to states that even though there is a wide belief that a bigger GDP ( availability of more services and goods) show the way to more satisfied and happier citizens, the proposition is more complicated than it seem. According to him, most individuals do judge their well being through weighing themselves against other people. For this reason, in the event that the average income of a given country increases the expectations of the people also go up. Consequently, the levels of GDP taken alone per individual in a particular nation, does not essentially give a clear reflection of the level of happiness among the citizens. The absence of a direct connection between the levels of GDP per individual in a given country and individual satisfaction seems to challenge the purely economic point of view in support of growth. This raises the question as to the veracity of people having to go through all the turmoil of econ omic restructuring as well as technological change while, the availability of bigger homes and more gadgets are not going to make people happier It has been the contention of other economist economic growth is good and important as people get to see their own earning increasing, and they do not have to worry about comparing themselves with others. Eventually, that state generates a more conducive environment for both social and political advancement in a given country. As pointed out earlier, economic growth does not necessarily have to go hand in hand with environmental degradation; as a matter of fact growth can be a very vital tool in controlling and managing environmental degradation as pointed out by Robert Reich. According to Dinda (2005), contrary to most people beliefs, continues economic growth can be the best means through which environmental degradation can be addressed. This can only be done by developing a mechanism that defines the relationship between income generated and environmental degradation. As Dinda (2005) puts it, when a particular country attains a satisfactorily high living standard, the citizens of such countries attach more importance to environmental facilities around them. To put it more simply, the more people become wealthier, the more time they will have to consider other things as opposed to the poor people who only think about basic survival. The wealthy on the other hand, will have more time to think about being more richer and environmental conditions. Since they do have significant influence, they are capable of influencing the local and national government to look into the issue of environmental improvement. Study shows that, even though during the early stages of economic growth there

Monday, October 28, 2019

European History (Gender History) Essay Example for Free

European History (Gender History) Essay The history of feminism has developed into a major field in recent years. Scholars from many disciplines and writers in many countries explore the ways in which womens oppression has been represented, discussed, and resisted in the past few centuries. In Burdens of History: British Feminists, Indian Women, and Imperial Culture, Burton characterizes her book as a history of `discourse`. Antoinette Burton has revealed the intensity, the extent, the duration, and the complexity of the concern to understand significant but neglected historical extent of the relationship between feminism and imperialism. Until quite recently, feminist discussion and debate was seen fragmentary. In her work, Burton argues that it is possible to construct a more or less continuous history of British feminism, recognizing imperial feminist ideologies. Antoinette Burton developed an immense interest in the relationship between feminism and imperialism. Burton discusses the endorsement of the racism and imperialist ideals by many white feminists, and the assumption by British feminists of their own particular version of the white mans burden. This interest in the history of feminism and the sense of its expansiveness has come from a number of different fields. The writer explored the ideas, lives, and activities of feminist writers and activists. The novels of Fanny Burney, Mary Hays, Jane Austen and George Eliot, and the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, have thus been encompassed within recent discussions of the history of feminism alongside the novels of Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner and Virginia Woolf. The feminist underpinnings, or the implications for feminism of a range of political, social, and philanthropic ideas and activities have also been examined and explored. Burton stressed the need to recognize the relationship between changing ideas about the womens role. Burtons book has served not only to expand but also to transform the history of feminism. It made clear both its immense scope and its complexity. On the one hand, it is now clear that feminist ideas and debates have existed and been elaborated more or less constantly over the last two centuries. On the other hand, the question of feminism itself of what it means and what it encompasses has become much more complex. Once feminism meant a concern with gaining equal political and legal rights for women. In Burton’s book, feminism is now seen as at best a small part of what the term covers. In recent literature far more emphasis has been placed on feminist concerns with the sexual oppression of women. They were described as objects of male desire rather than as sexual subjects seeking to articulate and express their own desires. Interrogating the meaning of sexual difference and exploring what it means to be and to live as a woman are major writer’s interests. The book establishes a variety of new challenges for anyone seeking to explore feminist ideas and debates. This is not only because of the changing frameworks. It is also because of changes and new developments which have been brought to the study of history from literary theory and from cultural studies. The shift away from authorial intention towards meaning or readings in discussing literary texts has had a significant impact on thinking about feminism. Antoinette Burton writes about mid-Victorian feminism. She argues that as mid-Victorian feminism was specific in its class base and worked with social and sexual ideals derived from that class, so too it was very specific in its sense of both national and imperial identity. Like Mary Wollstonecraft, many mid-Victorian feminists possessed a powerful sense of themselves, not so much as British, but as English women. This period saw the advent of a new form of imperial feminism. The general sense of the superiority of the West, in terms of the status of its women-which was so central for Mary Wollstonecraft and caused a particular form of feminist orientalism gave way to a specific concern with the status of Indian women. These women were seen as being in particular need and were regarded as the special responsibility of their more enlightened and more fortunate English sisters (29). The close relationship between feminism and philanthropy in the mid-nineteenth century established the framework through which feminism expanded to include imperial projects and ideals. The rate and the importance of imperial expansion in the mid-nineteenth century made the needs of the colonies significant. This occurred almost as soon as the widespread involvement of women in philanthropy came to be accepted. As Antoinette Burton has argued, our magnificent colonies became the natural ground for the practice of British womens philanthropy, offering a whole new range of avenues which provided relief from the constraints on their reform activities at home. Philanthropic work within the colonies also became a source of collective national pride (17). Following on concern about the education of Indian women, British feminists planned a scheme with send trained British lady teachers to India to preside over a number of girls schools. Feminists’ enthusiasm was effective in raising money, and in interesting British women both at home and in India in the reform of girls schooling. After an initial emphasis on sending British women to India, scholarships were provided to train Indian women as teachers as well. The concern about education was followed by one about womens health. There also was concern about the need for the provision of women doctors to Indian women who would not countenance male doctors. Here too, money was raised both in Britain and in India to provide training, initially for British women, but also for Indian women to become doctors. As Antoinette Burton points out, there was throughout all of this some recognition of the abilities and the achievements of specific Indian women. But overall, the schemes directed towards India were seen as ones necessarily begun and mainly carried out by British women on behalf of their less educated and passively suffering Indian sisters. The whole question of British women in India in the nineteenth century has become the subject of increasing discourse. On the one hand, it is clear that the significant numbers of British women who became immensely concerned about the condition of Indian women should to be revised. These women worked, sometimes quite effectively, to keep alive in the public mind their needs and interests. On the other hand, some of these women came to know and appreciate Indian women, and to make themselves mouthpieces for the goals that Indian women set. Other women both in India and in Britain assumed that their own high level of education and development made them the ones best suited to know what Indian women needed. In general, Antoinette Burton argued that the aims and objectives sought by feminists in Britain set the framework for womens emancipation everywhere. British feminists regarded themselves as experts on India after a visit. Their campaigns simply involved the application of British programs to the Indian situation. The British feminists who learned about these missionary struggles could only be strengthened in their own sense of moral and racial superiority. That consciousness, as Antoinette Burton has demonstrated in the context of India, contributed significantly to the domestic culture of imperialism. Unfortunately, feminists who responded by embracing imperialism tended to propagate generalized images of backward and oppressed Oriental womanhood. Burton has emphasized the dangers for British feminism in the assumption that a supposedly superior elite among women could speak for the less privileged and fortunate (210). In particular, the desire to emancipate women could easily become a desire to control them. Ultimately, for Burton, each new venture served more fully as a means for British feminists to show their own fitness for political rights and responsibilities through their preparedness and capacity to take on their own particular imperial burden.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

America Must Conserve Energy :: Gas Crisis Shortage

Whle researching for this essay, something shocked me. A quote from the American Petroleum Institute saying, â€Å"A country that runs on oil can’t run short† really caught my attention. We need to conserve our fossil fuels and natural oils or find alternative sources of energy because if we do not we will completely deplete the resources we have now and be left with nothing. To get energy, the United States uses many different resources, the majority (88%), however comes from the fossil fuels of crude oil (41%), natural gas (24%) and coal (23%). Today in the US, 2.5 million tons of coal are used a day mostly for utilities (86%), 17 million gallons of petroleum are used a day mostly for transportation (63%), and 50 billion cubic ft of natural gas is used a day mostly in industry (40%) and commercial and residential (40%). (Lecture 121 ppt) These numbers are very high and something needs to be done. There are many things that we can individually do on our own to lower these numbers. Since cars use lots of petroleum, one thing we can do is lessen the amount of time and distance we drive. We can make more carpools, walk whenever possible and use public transportation. Also our utilities use a big chunk of our fossil fuels. One way to lesson the amount we use is to be conservative in our utilities use. We cannot stop using our utilities; however, we can use prudence and not go over board in out use. (Source 3) One way to conserve fossil fuels being looked at today is the use of an engine that uses an energy source such as eclectic. â€Å"In the future, alternative fuel powered vehicles will be predominant, but now, it is not possible to use them realistically. They are not ready for production and have no supporting infrastructure.† (Source 2) There for, many car companies are experimenting with other ways to make their engines more efficient. Many discoveries have recently taken place that enable cars to run on less fuel without sacrificing performance.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Leadership Styles and Their Effectiveness Essay

Peer Editor: Faculty: Certification of Authorship:I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I recieved in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in this paper.I also have citedd any sources from which I used data,ideas,or words,either quoted directly or parapharased.I certify that this paper was prepared by me espcifically for the purpose of this assignment,as directed. Praxis II Leadership Styles and Their Effectiveness Ike Hall EDAD-8021 Pro-seminar Leading Community Practice Dr.Duhon Praxis Paper Submitted Feburary 24,2008 in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education (ED.D.) Leadership Styles and Their Effectiveness Introduction The late Harold Geneen, man behind the success of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. (ITT), once said â€Å"Leadership cannot really be taught. It can only be learned’. Essentially leadership is always tied to the individual who takes on the role. Throughout history, many great leaders emerged. They brought with them either positive or negative influence. They are considered great leaders because of their undeniable contribution in shaping the events of time. But what in their leadership style makes them great? There are many definitions of leadership however usually it is defined by the results it produces, both in the situation and the people under it. More commonly leadership is defined as the influence of one over those he leads (Clark 2007). There are many facets to leadership. In fact it is one of the most studied subjects around. Many researches have been conducted to tap it. Many programs have been designed to enhance it. Many individuals seek it. And many scholars have tried to explain it. One of the most common inferences of leadership is that leaders are made not born (Clark 2005). This paper will try to identify what makes a great leader. By studying the different styles of leadership, it aims to present a more concrete explanation of the subject. Going through the merits of the different styles will essentially broaden understanding. By assessing the different points of leadership, a clearer picture of its influence, particularly in the school setting will be achieved. While leadership remains subjective and relative (Bittel, 1989) this paper will seek to create a more objective view of the subject. It will expose its most important components. It will present a few of its tested formulae. By doing so, it will identify what are essential to becoming an effective leader today. Evidence from Literature A great number of books have been written on leadership. Experts have been very generous in sharing their thoughts about it. In fact, in the last 30 years alone there has been an influx of experts in the subject. No matter how it is explained, or what terms are used to describe it, the view on leadership remains essentially the same. Even John Maxwell, arguably the most popular expert in leadership summarizes it as simply the influence of one over others (1998). Not surprising, experts bring with them different views on leadership. They also encourage people to subscribe to their own brand or style of leading. However while there seems to be a whole lot of choices, leadership style can very well be broken down into three (Goodworth 1988) general classifications. These are Autocratic, Laissez Faire and Democratic (Vaccio 1988). Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership is defined as one that dominates (Bittel 1989). Its most common attribute is the all-encompassing rule over team members or followers. Most likely Autocratic Leaders will not admit they are. However, the reality of it is that it is the easiest and most common style in leadership. It is so common that usually individuals adapt to it more quickly. Even though this style is viewed as abrasive and often times unproductive as it stirs team members or followers toward passive resistance, it can be highly effective in situations requiring urgent action. The greatest dictators of history all possess autocratic leadership characteristics that they maximized to propel them to infamous success. One of the most obvious evidences of this particular style is it takes advantage of the weaknesses of team members or followers in every situation. While the Autocratic Leadership suppresses input of team members or followers, it is entire the opposite in Laissez Faire Leadership. Also named as Free Reign (Goodworth 1988), this particular style places decision-making on the hands of the team members or followers. It is described as having very little involvement from the leader. It gives little direction and motivation. This leadership style is ideal only in groups composed of individuals who are highly motivated with great initiative. Laissez Faire Leaders totally empower their members to achieve goals. It is important that the members are therefore worthy of empowerment. The third style is the Democratic Leadership. It is also referred to as Participative (Clark 2007). The Democratic Leader consults with team members or followers in decision-making without relinquishing control over the team. Participation is encouraged, hence the name. Similar to Laissez Faire, Democratic Leadership empowers members as well. The distinct difference between the two is that Democratic Leadership has more leader involvement. Although the team members and followers are given an active role in decision-making, final judgment still remains with the leader. The three general classifications otherwise known as leadership styles are very different from one another. Each has a set of good and bad points that makes them distinct. However no matter how different they are, they all define leadership the same way. Leadership is influence. This is one irrefutable fact of leadership that experts agree on. Critical Analysis It was mentioned in previous paragraphs that leadership is relative (Maxwell 1998). Its effectiveness depends on the individual who takes on the role. Each style of leadership offers up both positive and negative traits. Each is ideal in certain situations. Each has the capacity to achieve success. In a school set-up, leadership is often a combination of the three classifications. This is not an ideal practice however this is probably the most common. In many instances teacher and student have an autocratic relationship. Teacher speaks and students listen. Teachers give instructions and students follow. This practice however is slowly becoming old-school. Today, teachers and students have a free exchange of ideas. In fact there are times that teachers allow students to take control of discussions. Particularly in school teams, coaches are often accused of allowing their team to have a free reign during games. The trust level is so high that empowerment is effortless. Democratic style of leadership is one which is commonly desired. An open sharing of views and balanced decision-making are often claimed. In the school setting this style of leadership is evident in organizations. Teachers and students are leveled with each other. The school paper is the best example of this kind of leadership. Although teachers hold the final decisions in publications, students are given the opportunity to bring their point across without fear of being shut-down. School is the best place to exercise leadership. There are so many opportunities to try out different styles, put them together to create a more stable form. Schools encourage leadership. Exposure to the different styles allows students to decipher for themselves which are suitable for certain situations. Conclusion It has been mentioned time and again that leadership is influence. The school is an ideal place to hone leadership potentials of individuals. In other words, the school provides an opportunity for individuals to acquire skills in influencing others. Leadership style will always be relative to the individual. Even experts agree to this with their different takes on leadership. However in all the study of leadership one thing remains. No one leadership style is generic (Clark 2005) enough to be applicable in all situations and all individuals. There will always be a need to put two or three different styles to make it work. References Bittel, L. (1989). ‘The McGraw-Hill 36-hour management course’. US: McGraw-Hill. Clark, D. (2005). ‘Leadership styles’. Retrieved on February 17, 2008 from Clark, D. (2007). ‘Concepts of leadership’. Retrieved on February 18, 2008 from Goodworth, C. (1988). ‘The secrets of successful leadership and people management’. US: Heimann Professional Publishing Maxwell, J. (1998). ’21 irrefutable laws of leadership’. US: Thomas Nelson Publishing. Veccio, R. (1988). ‘Original behavior’. US: Dryden Press

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Street Car Names Desire Essay

A Street Car Named Desire deals with a culture clash between the Old South’s â€Å"plantation† mentality (priding itself on false pretenses) and the New South’s relatively uncivilized, yet real, grip on reality. The two characters who come to represent this tension are Blanche and Stanley Kowalski. Blanche advertises herself as a champion of â€Å"Southern Honor. † This entails an unfaltering dedication to virtue and culture. These are not, however, driving factors in her life but only mask her alcoholism and delusions of grandeur. By contrast, Stanley is an industrial worker who acts on habit and structure. Tennessee Williams juxtaposes illusion and reality by depicting the antagonistic relationship between the two by consistently employing symbolism. Blanche is constantly escaping the realities of life by retreating into her own fabrications. Her plummet into a delusional world begins when her beloved husband reveals himself to be gay and, soon after, shoots himself. She falls into a spiral of affairs after this event in a search to find emotional satisfaction and to reaffirm her womanhood. She ignores the obvious detrimental effect of her intimacies because all she wants is to be happy again: to be loved. Blanche physically escapes the reality of her life by leaving Belle Reve and Laurel to go to her sister’s home in New Orleans. Here, she misrepresents who she is and enters another relationship where she recreates her identity. When confronted about her lies, Blanche explains that she lies because she refuses to accept the hand fate has dealt her: I don’t want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people. I misrepresent things to them. I don’t tell truth, I tell what ought to be truth. And if that is sinful, then let me be damned for it! (Williams, 34) Lying to herself and to others allows her to make life appear as she thinks it should be rather than as it is. Her final, deluded happiness (as her sister and Stanley commit her to an insane asylum) shows her acceptance that illusion is an adequate reality, but it also shows reality’s inevitable triumph. The driving force of reality, embodied by Stanley Kowalski, quickly dismantles all the falsities Blanche comes to represent. He is a practical man firmly grounded in the physical world who disdains fabrications. He finds meaning only in the primitive and straightforward: â€Å"There’s something downright bestial about him! †¦ He acts like an animal, has animal’s habits! †¦ Yes, something ape-like about him† (71). An animal would not create an alternate reality for a situation but would act according to the real, harshness of life in order to ensure its own survival. Stanley’s animal habits can be looked at as an appreciation only for tangible truths. In the end, Stanley succeeds in debunking all the false images Blanche created about herself. He goes out of his way to reveal Blanche’s past and then flaunts it in a crude, insensitive way: â€Å"Take a look at yourself here in a worn-out Mardi Gras outfit, rented for 50 cents from some rag-picker†¦ Do you know that I’ve been on to you from the start, and not once did you pull the wool over this boy’s eyes?†¦ Ha ha! Do you hear me? Ha ha ha† (67). Stanley again asserts his bestial tendency, but this time to show his dominance. When he proceeds to physically rape her, he metaphorically strips her of the false reality she created. Williams uses symbolism to show that Blanche is trapped in a life of delusion. The Varsouviana Polka and the use of light are reoccurring symbols that elude to her disconnect with reality. The Polka is the music that played the night her husband committed suicide. Blanche says that it ends only after she hears the sound of a gunshot in her head. It plays at various points in the play, symbolising this event that triggered her mental decline. Whenever a situation gets too â€Å"real,† Blanche firmly believes she hears the Varsouviana, panics, and looses her grip on reality. Also, throughout the play, Blanche avoids appearing in direct, bright light, especially in front of Mitch: â€Å"And turn that over-light off! Turn that off! I won’t be looked at in this merciless glare†(45). It is clear she avoids the lights in efforts to conceal the reality of her age and fading beauty. Symbolically, Blanche avoids light in order to prevent Mitch from seeing her for who she is. She, once again, retreats into her own world of illusion. Blanche is never able to be looked at â€Å"in the light† and exposed. She never faces reality. Both Stanley and Blanche have a hard time relating to the other gender without sexual implications. The difference is that Stanley is upfront about this â€Å"animalistic† behavior towards women, while Blanche tries to paint herself as above the primitive nature of her sexual impulses. We can call one approach realistic and the other delusional, but it doesn’t change the fact that both characters approach interactions in a sexual way. What does this say about the nature of what is real and what isn’t? Williams seems to draw an ambiguous line. This implies that reality and illusions coexist in our lives, and what we choose to label our views and actions is just a matter of perspective.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What were the causes of the Russian Revolution in March 1917 essays

What were the causes of the Russian Revolution in March 1917 essays In March 1917 Russia was an autocracy, a political system favouring unlimited authority by a single individual. It was the crucial events that took place during this period of history that would change many peoples lives. It was the uniting of the peasants, workers, and middle class with the Tsars own army and the many other long-term reasons such as the lack of real change after 1905 revolutions. It was inevitable that Russia was to go the way it did. There are many short and long term reasons for the revolution in March 1917, which we will examine. One of the long-term causes of the revolution in 1917 was that there were poor conditions for the workers in the towns because the peasants who worked in the factories mainly came in the winter. This was because it was the time of the year when it was hard for them to make money out of their land. This meant there was no permanent housing made for them and they mainly slept in the street. Foreigners started most of the industry this was because the Tsar sent letters to people in Britain asking them to invest money in the factories, and this is exactly what they did. The foreigners treated the workers with no respect giving poor wages, no housing, and the government allowed this because they didnt want to upset them with reforms. This created an overall bad hygiene and sanitary in the streets. The peasants, who made up 75% of the population, had no chance of land ownership. A law had been passed that they couldnt buy land and so therefore had to form communes which made the peasants have no incentive as they would have to share the profits and many were apathetic because they didnt see the point in getting up early to work on the land when others did nothing. The conditions were also harsh, there was the grain tax, and abuse of alcohol because the farmers made their own alcohol from the potatoes that they most commonly grew on their land and so it became a...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Terroris, What America Is Doing

Americans are used to be oblivious to the fact that there are some people in the world that just can’t get over the fact that they hate others. Israel has been constantly attacked by a group that calls themselves the Palestinians for over 20 years (Corbin). Suicide bombers would terrorize the people of Israel for that last 15 years and no one in America could ever feel the pain the Israelis did suffer. Terrorist was an untouchable word in American society. ‘It won’t happen to us,’ was the mindset that most people had. Not one American was openly scared of chemical nuclear or biological warfare. ‘That is on their soil, the Middle East is too far from me.’ Ignorance was bliss false security was comfortable to the average American. As long as McDonalds was open and they could drive a gas guzzling car, the average American was a happy person. Well some people are mad because they do not like our fattening and unhealthy fast food chains and the gas there the Americans are so used to using run of their oil. This is what sparked a flame in one mans mind to have the united states attacked for their constant domination of their country. So, on September 11th there was a strike on American causing over 3600 people to die (Corbin). Americans clime innocence bit that is not what the radical groups see. Now terrorism is on the mind of every one in America and The American government is combating it head on. What exactly is terrorism anyway and how does America plan o attacking the problem? There seems to bee more then one problem and more then one way to attack it. Part of the job of the elected officials in America is to decide who is a threat and how they will be dealt with. Before any answer can be reach one thing had to be done in the fight agent terrorism. That is what exactly is terrorism and how do we measure the severity of the terrorist acts. There is not just one type of terrorism, there are several, none of witch really fal... Free Essays on Terroris, What America Is Doing Free Essays on Terroris, What America Is Doing Americans are used to be oblivious to the fact that there are some people in the world that just can’t get over the fact that they hate others. Israel has been constantly attacked by a group that calls themselves the Palestinians for over 20 years (Corbin). Suicide bombers would terrorize the people of Israel for that last 15 years and no one in America could ever feel the pain the Israelis did suffer. Terrorist was an untouchable word in American society. ‘It won’t happen to us,’ was the mindset that most people had. Not one American was openly scared of chemical nuclear or biological warfare. ‘That is on their soil, the Middle East is too far from me.’ Ignorance was bliss false security was comfortable to the average American. As long as McDonalds was open and they could drive a gas guzzling car, the average American was a happy person. Well some people are mad because they do not like our fattening and unhealthy fast food chains and the gas there the Americans are so used to using run of their oil. This is what sparked a flame in one mans mind to have the united states attacked for their constant domination of their country. So, on September 11th there was a strike on American causing over 3600 people to die (Corbin). Americans clime innocence bit that is not what the radical groups see. Now terrorism is on the mind of every one in America and The American government is combating it head on. What exactly is terrorism anyway and how does America plan o attacking the problem? There seems to bee more then one problem and more then one way to attack it. Part of the job of the elected officials in America is to decide who is a threat and how they will be dealt with. Before any answer can be reach one thing had to be done in the fight agent terrorism. That is what exactly is terrorism and how do we measure the severity of the terrorist acts. There is not just one type of terrorism, there are several, none of witch really fal...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Burning Money Is Illegal in the United States

Why Burning Money Is Illegal in the United States If you have money to burn, congratulations- but youd better not actually set fire to a pile of cash. Burning money is illegal in the United States and is  punishable by up to 10 years in prison, not to mention fines. (More fun facts: Its also illegal to tear a dollar bill and even flatten a penny  under the weight of a locomotive on the railroad tracks.) The laws making defacing and debasing currency a crime have their roots in the federal governments use of precious metals to mint coins. Criminals were known to file down or cut off portions of those coins and keep the slivers for themselves while spending the altered currency. The odds of being prosecuted under the federal laws that making burning money or defacing coins, however, are fairly slim. First, coins now contain very little precious metals. Second, defacing printed currency in an act of protest is often compared to burning the American flag. That is to say, burning money may be considered protected speech under the U.S. Constitutions First Amendment. What the Law Says About Burning Money The section of federal law that makes tearing up or burning money a crime is  Title 18, Section 333, which was passed in 1948 and reads: Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. What the Law Says About Mutilating Coins The section of federal law that makes mutilating coins a crime is Title 18, Section 331, which reads: Whoever fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates, impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens any of the coins coined at the mints of the United States, or any foreign coins which are by law made current or are in actual use or circulation as money within the United States; or whoever fraudulently possesses, passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or brings into the United States, any such coin, knowing the same to be altered, defaced, mutilated, impaired, diminished, falsified, scaled, or lightened shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. A separate section of Title 18 makes it illegal to debase coins minted by the U.S. government, meaning to shave some of the metal off and make the money less valuable. That crime is punishable by fines and up to 10 years in prison. Prosecutions Are Rare for Mutilating Currency Its pretty rare for someone to be arrested and charged with defiling or debased U.S. currency. Even those penny press machines found at arcades and some seashore attractions are in compliance with the law because theyre used to create souvenirs and not to debase or shave metal off the coin for profit or fraud. Perhaps the highest profile case of currency mutilation dates to 1963. An 18-year-old U.S. Marine named Ronald Lee Foster was convicted of whittling away the edges of pennies and spending the 1 cent coins as dimes in vending machines. Foster had been sentenced to a year of probation and $20, but more seriously the conviction prevented him from being able to get a gun license. Foster made national news in 2010 when President Barack Obama pardoned him.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

An Overall Analysis of Various Aspects of Islam Research Paper - 1

An Overall Analysis of Various Aspects of Islam - Research Paper Example Unlike Islam as a set of beliefs Hinduism is a collection of different intellectual or idealistic points of view, as Gavin Flood says in this regard that it does not have "unified system of belief encoded in declaration of faith or a creed" (Flood 34). In spite of Hinduism’s numerous traditions and versions including Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Srauta, a common philosophy of Hinduism is founded on the concepts of â€Å"karma, dharma, and societal norms† (Georgis 62) The Islamic faith in the oneness of God fundamentally originates from the Holy book, Quran, which the Muslim believes to be direct revelation or guidance of God descended upon Prophet Muhammad. Etymological Roots of Islam and Hinduism The term â€Å"Islam† derives from the root ‘salaam’ or ‘s-l-m’, where the term â€Å"Hindu† has its root in the word ‘Sindhu’ a local Sanskrit appellation, of the Indus River. Indeed the word, â€Å"Hindu† was incorpora ted in English from the Arabic term â€Å"Al Hind† used to refer to the Indian Subcontinent and the people living in this area. Later the term â€Å"Al-Hind† gets changed into Persian articulation as ‘Hindu’. On the other hand, the etymological root of Islam literally means ‘wholeness and completion’. But a number of other Islamic scholars consent that Islam as a religion has a broader meaning, â€Å"submission to the will of God†. ... But drawing references to the textual evidences in the holy Quran, scholars claim that Islam begins from the birth of Adam, the first man and prophet of Islam. In this way, Abrahamic religions are supposed to be the ancient versions, of Islam, which God Himself annulled because the distortions of His message brought about man. (Nasr 45) But other scholars believe that since God has repealed other religions as well as other versions such as Christianity (the religion preached by Zesu, a prophet of high respect in Islam), Judaism (preached by Moses, another revered prophet) and other religions, the real Islam for modern people is to be considered the one that Muhammad founded in the Seventh Century in Arab peninsula. Unlike Islam’s self-acclamation about its origin in Adam’s the first man’s age, the religious texts o Hinduism do not verify its origin. Rather anthropological researches show that the origin of Hinduism in India dates back to a period between 5500BCE and 2600BCE, commonly known as the late Neolithic age (Thapar 77). Indeed from this period up 500BCE Hinduism prevails as a Vedic religion depending on the religious texts called Vedas. The Vedas is a collection of several versions, of which the Oldest is the Rig Veda. The Vedas advocates the worship of gods such as Agni, Indra, and Varuna. This Vedic religion had undergone lots of changes over the century before the modern Hinduism emerged after the Muslim conquest of India in the early seventh century. Along the protracted path of addition, inclusion and reduction, the early first century texts Ramayana and Mahabharata began to be influential in this religion. Beliefs in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Imperialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Imperialism - Essay Example A positive outcome is seen in one document entitled "Modern Progressive nations,† this file shows what larger nations gave to smaller colonies. The nations constructed roads, canals, and railways for them. Exposed telegraph and the newspaper to them, established educational facilities for them, shared with them the sanctification of their civilization, and generally made them economized. After this happened, they belonged to modern culture. Another affirmative effect is realized in document three known as "Colonial Governments and Missionaries.† It expresses the way in which the colonial governments presented improved medical precaution and better techniques of sanitation. Then new crops were introduced; tools and farming skills, which boasted the rise of food production. Such changes meant few mortality rates were experienced and also an overall improvement on the state of living was seen in those smaller colonies. They could now live longer and experience better sanitat ion related to former imperialism. The Great War for equality just as how Hitler viewed and referred it as the Great War for fascism, is being battled out in Africa as viciously as anywhere else. This is not only a problem of strategy. The opposing imperialism's need Africa, just for the sake of the continent, a point in which the Democratic propagandists discount with the Olympian sublimity of complete hypocrisy or complete ignorance. Hitler says plainly that he desires his living spaced. But allow that to pass. What we need to do is to state some few facts concerning Africa, its role in imperialist frugality, then its future in a socialist domain. One major issue is the world market in which capitalism has by far created that we shall forcefully find ourselves tackling fundamental problems of the current society and the answer of the permanent calamity not just in Africa but the entire world. Until the year 1914, the British bourgeoisie did not have any slight idea of the revolutionary ferocity which capitalism was harboring in its bosom, especially in the colonies. One obscure Russian radical exile named Lenin inscribed confidently the issues about the inevitable occurrence of the proletariat who were in India and also China, as some of the leaders in theemerging nationalist revolutions. In contrast, neither world publicist nor British politician worried about that. It is practically valuable to re-read what some of these wise people of thirty years ago always

Women's Right for Equality in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Women's Right for Equality in the USA - Essay Example However, within a glove where the majority of individuals made their individual food, clothes, and houses instead of purchasing these things ready-made, the work that a farm wife did was vital to the family’s essential survival (Fredman 61).  Ã‚  I.  Substitution of subsistence financial system with the marketplace financial system. A.  Change of women’s role from productive to reproductive B.  Reassessment of the gender functionsC.  Emergence of Gender Equality debate A.  Discontent of women with their position in the society B.  Change of government legal position on Women’s liberty C.  The constitutionalization of the rights of groups including minority groups. II.  Debate on the wages and the rights of Women A. Reexamination of women’s wages vis-à  -vis the men’s.   B. Equating women’s workload with the wages in relation to men’s.   C. Revisiting the declarations that affirm fairness to women.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What are the main features of a bipolar world Illustrate your answer Essay

What are the main features of a bipolar world Illustrate your answer with examples - Essay Example The bipolarity as explained above was a period in which US, her allies, the USSR, and her allies held extreme views in all manner of sense; from political to economic issues. The period was also characterized with suspicion and propaganda, the suspicion that USSR or United States were in the process of developing weapons of mass destruction. It must be noted that there were no formal confirmation of this allegation rather a state of being insecure given that both USSR and the US emerged as the World super power and had Veto powers in the UN council (Hunt, 147). It can be believed that the war bipolarity was necessitated by the fact that both USSR and US emerged as super powers and were posing significant threat to each other, the only way they could deal with the situation was holding contrary view. It accentuates our belief that way because in any event, the two countries were in the same front all along from 1914-45. Even though in the bipolar world there were no direct military confrontations, most of the historian have alluded that it can be termed as the world war III. This is because the two opposing groups, USSR, and U.S were involved in indirect wars by supporting their proxies with military and economic aids. The situations were glaring in the cases of Korean and the Vietnam. The Cuban missile crisis was also a manifestation of the proxy involvement of the two antagonistic sides in 1962. Some of the factors that led to the bipolarity were; The Soviet were in a mad rush to spread communism ideology in the world as a matter of having no option to even the minority countries, this was against the American position that was hinged more on democracy. The American acquisition of the all-lethal atomic bomb made USSR restless considering that they were also super powers. In as much as the two countries emerged super powers in the concluded world wars, they had

Editing of Video and Sound in the Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Editing of Video and Sound in the - Movie Review Example Videoââ€"  There are a total of about 30 shots for the 310-second clip, which yields an average shot length (ASL) of 10 seconds.ââ€"  There were notable long takes (lasting more than 15 seconds), which include :1-:37 (soldier 1 walks in the hallway), :49-1:16 (soldier 2 in the sitting in the toilet), 2:51-3:14 (soldier 3 enters the toilet), 3:20:3:39 (soldier 3 talks to soldier 2) and short takes, such as 3:57-3:58 (gunshot), 3:59-4:00 (close-up shot of soldier 2), 4:55 (soldier 1 shouts), and slow-motion at 3:56-3:58 (soldier falls). The unusually long takes set the contemplative and suspenseful tone of the film. The short takes, meanwhile, emphasize the climactic moments of the sequence and highlight the tension felt by the characters.Soundââ€"  There was a non-diegetic (off-screen) musical accompaniment which consisted of two musical instruments that played in slow tempo. The dark and high-pitched background music combined with the predominantly quiet diegetic (on-screen) en vironment seemed to warn of an impending tragedy/doom.ââ€"  Several sound effects including the loading of the magazine (1:09-1:15, 1:47-1:48), the clanking of the rifle (2:15-2:17, 2:23-2:24), the loading of the rifle (2:28-2:31), and gunshots (3:57, 3:56) were included. A deep, moaning sound was heard from 3:57-4:00. Aside from the dialogue and background music, these sound effects were the only type of sound heard in the sequence, which tend to highlight violence and monstrosity.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What are the main features of a bipolar world Illustrate your answer Essay

What are the main features of a bipolar world Illustrate your answer with examples - Essay Example The bipolarity as explained above was a period in which US, her allies, the USSR, and her allies held extreme views in all manner of sense; from political to economic issues. The period was also characterized with suspicion and propaganda, the suspicion that USSR or United States were in the process of developing weapons of mass destruction. It must be noted that there were no formal confirmation of this allegation rather a state of being insecure given that both USSR and the US emerged as the World super power and had Veto powers in the UN council (Hunt, 147). It can be believed that the war bipolarity was necessitated by the fact that both USSR and US emerged as super powers and were posing significant threat to each other, the only way they could deal with the situation was holding contrary view. It accentuates our belief that way because in any event, the two countries were in the same front all along from 1914-45. Even though in the bipolar world there were no direct military confrontations, most of the historian have alluded that it can be termed as the world war III. This is because the two opposing groups, USSR, and U.S were involved in indirect wars by supporting their proxies with military and economic aids. The situations were glaring in the cases of Korean and the Vietnam. The Cuban missile crisis was also a manifestation of the proxy involvement of the two antagonistic sides in 1962. Some of the factors that led to the bipolarity were; The Soviet were in a mad rush to spread communism ideology in the world as a matter of having no option to even the minority countries, this was against the American position that was hinged more on democracy. The American acquisition of the all-lethal atomic bomb made USSR restless considering that they were also super powers. In as much as the two countries emerged super powers in the concluded world wars, they had

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Miscarriages of Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Miscarriages of Justice - Essay Example This happens because of inefficient procedures . Second, the laws that are applied to them. Third, for there is no information that justifies the applied treatment or punishment. Fourth, if suspects, defendants or convicts are handled unfavorably by the state to an unequal extent compared with the necessity to protect the rights of others; or, fifth, if the rights of other persons are not effectively or equally protected or defended by State action against law violators or, sixth, by State law itself(Greer, 1986). For, the six groups above revolve around themes of breach of rights of suspects and defendants, the disproportionate treatment of suspects/defendants or the non-vindication of the rights of victims, might be termed direct miscarriages. In addition, it may be possible to derive from their infliction a seventh, indirect miscarriage which affects the community as a whole. A belief coming out of deceit or illegalities will corrode the state's claims to legitimacy. For, this is founded on the community criminal justice system's values which includes as respect for individual rights. In this way, as well as the unwanted faith of the individual, the "moral integrity of the criminal process" suffers harm(McConville, 1994). Also, there could be a common detriment by way of diminished confidence in the vanguards of law and order leading to lesser active citizens aiding the police and a decrease in the number of jurors willing to convict even the glaringly "guilty".Definitely, it has been deba ted that this indirect form of miscarriage can exist independently as well as contingently in two respects. One is that a breach of "the principle of judicial legitimacy" should be of concern even if there is an accurate and fair determination of guilt or innocence. Secondly, it still produces great moral harm even if, so far as the individual is concerned, there is an error but no real harm is inflicted (say, when a person imprisoned for life is wrongfully convicted soon afterwards of a minor motoring offence). It is therefore argued that the State itself should avoid actions or processes which might damage the integrity of the system. Consistent with this concern, lawyers, whether acting for prosecution or defence, are reminded that they are not the ciphers of their clients but owe duties of integrity to the criminal justice system(Poole, 1998). Critical examination why gender related crime is important to understanding relevant policies of the criminal justice policyIn the article stated that the gender equality duty and the criminal justice system April 2007: The Gender Equality Duty comes in to force, the gender equality duty has been the biggest radical metamorphosis to sex to sex discrimination law for the past thirty years. It is also similar to the introduction in 2001 of a similar public sector race equality duty after the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry and the introduction of a disability equality duty in December 2006. Furthermore, Fawcett publications of the Fawcett Society had published two reports to support the implementation of the Gender Equality Duty in the criminal justice system: The responsibility to understanding the "understand your duty" section details how the law should affect the criminal just

Monday, October 14, 2019

Morality and Sacrifice Essay Example for Free

Morality and Sacrifice Essay â€Å"Sacrifice† is the surrender of a greater value for the sake of a lesser one or of a non value. Thus, altruism gauges a man’s virtue by the degree to which he surrenders, renounces or betrays his values (since help to a stranger or an enemy is regarded as more virtuous, less â€Å"selfish,† than help to those one loves). The rational principle of conduct is the exact opposite: always act in accordance with the hierarchy of your values, and never sacrifice a greater value to a lesser one. â€Å"Sacrifice† does not mean the rejection of the worthless, but of the precious. â€Å"Sacrifice† does not mean the rejection of the evil for the sake of the good, but of the good for the sake of the evil. â€Å"Sacrifice† is the surrender of that which you value in favor of that which you don’t. If you exchange a penny for a dollar, it is not a sacrifice; if you exchange a dollar for a penny, it is. If you achieve the career you wanted, after years of struggle, it is not a sacrifice; if you then renounce it for the sake of a rival, it is. A sacrifice is the surrender of a value. Full sacrifice is full surrender of all values. If you wish to achieve full virtue, you must seek no gratitude in return for your sacrifice, no praise, no love, no admiration, no self-esteem, not even the pride of being virtuous; the faintest trace of any gain dilutes your virtue. If you pursue a course of action that does not taint your life by any joy, that brings you no value in matter, no value in spirit, no gain, no profit, no reward—if you achieve this state of total zero, you have achieved the ideal of moral perfection. If you wish to save the last of your dignity, do not call your best actions a â€Å"sacrifice†: that term brands you as immoral. If a mother buys food for her hungry child rather than a hat for herself, it is not a sacrifice: she values the child higher than the hat; but it is a sacrifice to the kind of mother whose higher value is the hat, who would prefer her child to starve and feeds him only from a sense of duty. If a man dies fighting for his own freedom, it is not a sacrifice: he is not willing to live as a slave; but it is a sacrifice to the kind of man who’s willing. If a man refuses to sell his convictions, it is not a sacrifice, unless he is the sort of man who has no convictions. Sacrifice could be proper only for those who have nothing to sacrifice—no values, no standards, no judgment—those whose desires are irrational whims, blindly conceived and lightly surrendered. For a man of moral stature, whose desires are born of rational values, sacrifice is the surrender of the right to the wrong, of the good to the evil. The creed of sacrifice is a morality for the immoral—a morality that declares its own bankruptcy by confessing that it can’t impart to men any personal stake in virtues or values, and that their souls are sewers of depravity, which they must be taught to sacrifice. By its own confession, it is impotent to teach men to be good and can only subject them to constant punishment.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Australias Health Care System | Analysis

Australias Health Care System | Analysis The key principle underlying Australian healthcare system is equity to universal access to most health care regardless of the situation or ability to pay. This is achieved since revenue for this healthcare comes from taxation. Health services are funded through Medicare and pharmaceuticals schemes which are highly subsidized by the government while public hospitals and public healthcare are partly funded by commonwealth and state funding agreements. The schemes are founded on the spirit to make public health accessible by all the citizens irrespective of their financial ability (Healy Hilless, 2001). The purpose of this paper is to expound on the concepts of equity of access of healthcare in relation to effectiveness and efficiency and the relationships that exists among these concepts. Equity of access Equity is all about ensuring that all people have the support that they need to access, participate and achieve the same level. Access and equity are two concepts that go hand in hand they imply removing barriers and opening up opportunities. In the field of health these concepts mean that people with differing needs and abilities have the same opportunities to be attended to professionally by the medical practioners whether private or public at any time irrespective of their age, disability, color, race, gender, religion, sexuality, or location. It means addressing the healthcare need of everyone (Department of education and equity standards branch, 2003). The Australian government through its insurance schemes have tried to make healthcare accessible to all, however, it has been found that compressive insurance coverage is not always sufficient to ensure equitable access to health services since other factors such as shortages or mal-distribution of health services providers or constraints presented by language or cultural differences limit access to medically necessary care for apportion of the population (Docteur, 2004). In fact there is a wide agreement that rural and remote Australian communities are underserved by appropriately trained health professionals compared to those who live in the urban areas. Further, most remote Districts of Australia communities are unable to attract medical practioners and they are dependent upon rural remote area nurses to provide their healthcare. The shortage of rural registered nurses also impacts negatively on health care delivery. Despite these short comings, Australian population enjoys good h ealth relative to other countries with an increasing life expectancy of an average of 78 years and low incidences of life threatening infectious diseases. Although the spirit of the government healthcare policy to provide equity and access to healthcare has not been fully achieved, this policy has contributed greatly to the health status of its citizens. For instance over 85% of the people consider themselves to have excellent health status. In order to achieve the equity of access to health care ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s important that distribution of the health officers be checked and implements tele health services that will ensure that those Australians in remote areas have access to relevant healthcare (Jackson et al., 2009). Effectiveness There is no unanimity on how the concept of effectiveness can be defined, as a result of this there is inconsistency among scholars in their definition of the concept for instance. Some scholars view effectiveness as the degree by which organization achieves their goals, while others view it as the survival of the organization (Sudan Chand, 2004; Stephen, 2008). Other feels that effectiveness is present as long as an organization uses its resources efficiently and continues to contribute to the large system. Despite the inconsistencies, scholars have agreed on some points that may be applicable in measuring effectiveness. For instance how well has expectations of the society been met as per societal regulations and rules, the time dimension of how the system meets its goals in near future. Intermediate or in distant future and the decline or growth of the system can also be an indicator of effectiveness (Sudan Chad, 2004). Increasing the effectiveness of health care systems in Australia is growing priority for policy makers. The notion of effectiveness encompasses a broad and growing number of dimensions, reflecting increasing expectations in Australia in such away that health system must do more than just improve population health and reduce disability. The effectiveness of the access of health care by rural and remote communities in Australia has been enabled by the outreach models initiated; these are periodic supplies of the services from one location especially in towns to other location in this case remote areas. Other problems associated with heath care system especially in secondary and tertiary services such as surgery are not available to the people for instance Kimberley region has higher mortality rates than in the state level due to lack of access of specialist services like surgery which takes to long to be availed. The state rural community lacks enough medical personnel which mean that access to healthcare is also a problem. Compared to major towns like Melbourne, Kimberly the Australiaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s most northern region with the highest proportion of aboriginal people always have a shortage of not lees than 20 medical doctors (OECD, 2002). Efficiency Measuring efficiency in healthcare is concerned with comparison of inputs with outputs or outcomes of the health care system to access the degree to which goals are achieved while minimizing resource usage. From economic perspective, efficiency put two elements into consideration that is allocative efficiency and dynamic efficiency.Allocative efficiency is aimed at allocation of resources so that the input invested in heath care system yield the best output. To achieve this technical efficiency, effectiveness and priority setting must be addressed. Effectiveness is aimed at maximizing outputs to a limited amount of inputs. Priority setting involves deciding amount of resources to be allocated in each and every disease while technical efficiency is achieved by ensuring that the staff serves to their full potential. Efficiency can also be measured in three levels i.e. the disease, subsector and system level. The disease level focuses on each disease on the gains in heath status brought by healthcare system, while the subsector level focuses on gains brought specifically by hospitals, outpatient care and pharmaceuticals and the system level relies on the holistic view of the system (OECD, 2010). Large hospitals and multi general practioners practice and specialist medical centers are most common in urban Australia and rare in rural Australia and services that look similar are actually structured differently. These healthcares deliver different services and cater for different populations. Rural residents are not equal participants in the primary health system since there are few general practioners in rural areas, they also make few visits in healthcare centers and they spend much to seek health care than their urban counterparts this means that the Medicare scheme of the government is not efficient in providing equity of access of health care to all citizens. The cost of time, transport and greater competition for services in regional centers contributes to lower utilization rates of those in smaller isolated communities (Luck, 2011). In addition the experienced pre-exist nurses in rural area can be up-skilled to serve a broader range of primary health care hence reducing t he burden of the general practitioners rather than trying to fill every vacancy of general practitioner. The nurses serve by complementing the work of medical practitioner. Interrelationships A properly functioning health system can be evaluated in terms of equity of access, efficiency and effectiveness of all the components of the system. Although there are a number of challenges in these dimensions, Australian health care system has strengths which manifests that the government has made efforts to maintain the proper functioning of the system in recognition that all these aspects are necessary and inseparable in a good health system. Efficiency, effectiveness and equity of access concepts are thus interrelated and their matrix is important when formulating policies of a system. Healthcare has remained a focal point for discussion throughout the history. However with entitlement spending dramatically increasing, poised for further increases, healthcare has been placed at the fore front of public policy. Globally very few countries have achieved an efficient and equitable healthcare industry. Australia serves as an excellent example in their health care policy because its system balances for equity of access and efficiency through the adoption of the free market policies in health provision as well as the base safety net for individuals who cannot afford free market rates hence making sure that the biggest population can be able to access the health services. According to Duckett (2008) efficiency compare outputs to inputs in this case, the number of health care staff to the number of people seeking health care services putting in to consideration the satisfaction the patients. Ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s possible to estimate the number of health staff required to attend patients satisfactorily in every region if efficiency ratios are known. In the efforts to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of the medical staff the policies of the government ensures that the citizens can access adequate and qualified medical personnel equitably. For instance in rural Australia there is an average of one medical doctor in a population of one thousand people. This is in contrast with the urban settings where the number of medical doctors is higher in the same population. While doctors in rural area may be efficient due to high number of patients they attend to access to them by citizens is limited hence contributing to the in effectiveness of the system due to citizensà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ dissatisfaction. Australia government and private sector has invested heavily in construction of health facilities in all regions so that citizens can access them easily and equitably. For instance it had 1051 acute care hospitals of which 734 were public hospitals providing 70% of the bed stock and 317 were private hospitals. Public hospitals are funded by the government or by charitable organizations while private hospitals are privately funded (Healy, 2001). Due to large number of public hospital with many facilities and resources they at times underutilized hence operating inefficiently. To ensure that efficiency is achieved public hospitals liaise with private hospitals to provide private services that are not available in private hospitals. This way efficiency is achieved and at the same time the satisfaction of the citizens by the kind of collaboration that exist between private and public hospitals indicates that the hospitals are effective in accordance with social rules and regulations. Eff iciency of hospitals has also been achieved through the policy of regional hospitals constructed in regional centers especially to cater for rural population. The regional hospitals also help the citizens to access specialist health care with ease. All this efforts contributes to the success of the health system in the spirit on universal access to health care (Duckett, 2008). For the societal satisfaction with the health care system the founding principles of the Australian health care system must work hand in hand. Effectiveness, efficiency and equity of access principles should be demonstrable in a perfect system. Although perfection cannot be achieved the governments through its insurance policies have tried to make accessibility a reality. In addition to accessibility the efficiency of the health workers has been tried to be achieved through encouraging the general practitioners to work in the remote areas where there is shortage of practitioners this is done through incentives, perks and allowances offered to those who practice in rural areas in addition to this tele health care services are adopted such that health care services are moved closer to the people from the urban areas where it concentrated these practices are done periodically. Conclusion The underlying principle in Australian healthcare system is equity to universal access to most health care regardless of the situation or ability to pay. This is achieved since most health care system get revenue from taxation thus promoting equity of access of the health system. The concept of equity of access in relation to effectiveness and efficiency is also explored in Australian heath care system (Healy, 2001). In this case efficiency is measured by degree to which goals are achieved in health care system while minimizing resource usage while effectiveness is measured by degree to which health care system achieve their goals. Large hospitals and multi general practitioners practice and specialist medical centers are most common in urban Australia and rare in rural Australia. This indicates that the Medicare scheme of the government is not efficient and effective in providing equity of access of health care to all citizens. Representations Of Women In The Media: Unrealistic Representations Of Women In The Media: Unrealistic In this essay I will discuss the images of women in mass media and mass culture and how realistic or discursive they are. I will approach this through observing and analysing media advertising and stereotyping of females as a whole. I will examine the role of the woman in modern society and consider her position in public culture. I will begin with an explanation of Cantors theory that representations of women in the media are unreasonable and too different from reality in present society (Cantor, M. 1978). This hypothesis suggests that these images reflect only a few â€Å"real† women and disregards those of different colour, age, status or sexual orientation. The fact is that female icons in the media reshape the perceptions of women and exacerbate the flaws of ordinary ones. Goffman (1979) argues that while images of men are closer to reality, female are represented as â€Å"models pretending to be real persons†. This comes from the fact that women in mass media have lost their personality and have become an object of sight, a thing to be gazed at (Berger, J. 1972). I conclude that women in popular culture do not represent the complete reality but we can witness some improvement throughout recent years, which I will mention later in the essay. First, I will start with the way that women are displayed in the media and what their role they adopt in terms of populism. Females, either celebrities or models, are often put on exhibit in different types of media in order to promote products, shows, movies, events. There are different stereotypes- from the femme fatale to the supermom but there is a connection between all of them. They are always white, slim, and perfectly-shaped which implies a certain ideal of the modern woman. Problems come when ordinary women are forced to conform to this ideal. And when I say â€Å"forced†, I mean trying to live up to the imposed visions of female beauty. There are set standards of beauty and women try to meet these standards in order to be liked and admired. Womens main concern is their body shape. They try to achieve this mesomorphic figure. This means an ideal shape of the body which for women is an â€Å"hourglass† figure (Handout â€Å"Is Media Sexist†). I argue tha t these beauty standards are established for a purpose. Everybody gains from womens insecurities except them. When women are not self-confident, they turn to cosmetic and diet products to achieve the desired standard. This results immediately in the profit and the development of the companies and the industries. For evidence I turn to data from (BBC News World Edition, Feb 5. 2003) where the diet industry alone is worth 40 to 100 billion (U.S.) a year. What is worse, being surrounded by all these perfect images, women start to feel depressed, lose their self-confidence and develop eating disorders. The American research group Anorexia, Nevrosa Related Eating Disorders, Inc. says that one out of every four female students regulates her weight through fasting, skipping meals or vomiting. â€Å"Beauty demands sacrifices† this is the excuse for women suffering and struggling to achieve the ideal. However, this ideal lies in the realm of the unrealistic beauty. It is impossible to achieve perfection and what is more, flaws make us unique and charming. Nevertheless, not everybody feels that way, especially when every single advertisement, show or magazine has imposed the thinness as the main factor for attractiveness. Canadian researcher Gregory Frouts reports that over three-quarters of the actresses in television shows are underweight and those who happen to be heavier are criticised and get negative comments. Magazine industry has made some efforts to oppose the trend of displaying only slim models by putting a heavy-set model on its cover but the advertisers remain sceptic towards their ability to sell beauty products. Another group being affected by the beauty standards are teenagers. 50% to 70% of all preadolescent girls, for instance, are reported to have been on at least one diet and are dissatisfied with their bodies. This stems from the fact that more young girls are involved in media and popular culture. By observing their idols that dress provoc atively and act controversially, teenage girls look up to them and imitate them, believing this is the right behaviour. In her book the Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf (2002, page 3) says: â€Å"The notorious Calvin Klein ad campaigns eroticised sixteen-year-olds when I was a teenager, then eroticised fourteen-year-old models in the early nineties, then twelve-year-olds in the late nineties.† With reducing the age of the girls on exposure in the media, it becomes harder for youngsters to ignore the sexualized ideal and not to obey the markets and the industrys conventions. The truth is that this sexualized ideal and pornography have started to influence popular culture and this leads to the objectification of women (Briggs, A. and Cobley, P. 1998). Knowing that sex sells in todays society and men are attracted to women on the base of sexuality and seductiveness, the only thing which comes to mind when seeing another commercial with a beautiful and provocative girl, is sex. The need for mens attention and the wish to be desired are the main reasons for a woman to change herself. In spite of the change, women will hardly achieve this ideal because of the high and unattainable requirements it sets. The term which applies to this situation is hyperreal. It is a post-modern theory which suggests that we cannot tell the difference between image and reality (Baudrillard, J.) It seems that media has reshaped usual representations and it is hard to perceive an image of a celebrity going out in the public without makeup to walk her dog, for example. The incapability of making a distinction between media image and reality and setting an expected model for womens appearance make it harder for women to meet the demands of the popular media. That is to stand for something that does not exist. This is the time when the simulacra replaces reality. The Simulacra (a copy) starts as a reflection of reality, then it masks and misrepresents it till there is no longer a basic reality and the simulacra becomes a substitution for the real world (Baudrillard, J. 1988). Good example s are processes which help us transform our image such as digital photography and editing, virtual reality, controlling weight. These methods of changing oneself could have a great impact on the simulacra and it will start to disguise and fight reality. For instance, nowadays is easier to fool the audience. With the developing technology and the growth of cosmetic surgery industry it has become a common practice for faces of the media to cover certain imperfections and to hide flaws. I will argue that female movie stars are highly misrepresented regarding their appearance. The paradox comes when even in movies for ancient times, female characters are still perfect, with perfect skin and white teeth never mind the situation, the place (stranded on a desert island for example, the TV series Lost) or the period of time. Also, body doubles are used to veil some weaknesses of the actresses. (such as Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman). Studies show that 85% of these body doubles have breast implants. (Kilbourne, J., Cant Buy My Love, 2001). However, there is scientific evidence which suggests a lot of women with breast implants suffer different side effects: pain, deformations of the skin, insensitive breasts or potentional tumour. (Centre for Policy Research for Women and Families, Washington, D.C.) Studies indicate that even plastic surgeries among teens have increased by 50% from 1996-1998 mostly for girls. This results from media superstars parading with their plastic surgeries and advertising them everywhere which eventually leads to a model for imitation. This non realistic model, however, cannot be accepted by everyone. Very few women could achieve this ideal. Even so advertised among girls Barbie cannot be a measure for perfection. Research comparing a computer model of a woman with Barbie-doll proportions shows that if put into practice, this exemplary woman would have a too weak back and a too narrow body to include all human organs. Eventually, such a woman would die from malnutrition. (Time, Nov 11. 1996). This is another example of the unrealistic image and role which women accept. There is another alternative that women have started to apply their desire for beauty and change- the reality TVs Extreme Makeover, The Swan or I Want a Famous Face. These people, mostly women, participating in the project are subjected to a strict diet and exercise regimes, psychological counselling and many surgical procedures. The aim is to transform the person physically and then the inner peace and tranquillity will be achieved resulting in ones satisfaction with life. These programmes claim that all social and personal problems could be solved through cosmetic surgery. The only thing that the shows miss, however, is showing the potential risk of such interventions. Neither of them reveals the possibility of complications of plastic surgery. In this way particularly women are made to believe that ideal bodies are attainable and transforming ones figu re is a normal thing now. (Turner, L. 2004). In other words, all kinds of media television, film, radio, magazines and music video industries have a great influence on defining and identifying the conceptions of ideal physiques and figure. Music televisions such as MTV often display girls and women in the traditional role of a sex object, inviting and evoking sexual fantasies, whereas serious female musicians are rarely featured. Also, men are shown as sex objects less frequently. (MTV Programming; and Media Use in America, 2000, Mediascope). So, women are again in the submissive role but this is the way audience will perceive them. Most often, there is a connection between images and audiences. Fiske (1987) suggests that audiences recognise two different strategies when interpreting womens images. One is the realistic interpretation which implies the presence of real persons and the belief that the representations are genuine. The other is the discursive interpretation which reveals a non realistic image and depends on the so cial and cultural values of the audiences themselves. This suggests that images of women in the media correspond to the needs and the values of contemporary society. Eventually, interaction occurs between media representations and their addressees. It is in their hands to decide whether to believe or not, whether to be like these images or not but the most important thing is that the women should have the right to choose and not to follow an unrealistic ideal just because of the trend. I conclude that the conception that women always have to perfect their bodies has made a huge progress. Nevertheless, there have been some indications for a change in recent years. Naomi Wolf (2002) argues that from the first publishing of the book, which criticise the demand and the judgement upon women concerning the beauty, there has been some room for improvement now. According to her, there is no more just one representation of the woman in popular culture. Women of colour have now more publicity in all fields of media (e.g. Rhianna, Beyonce), as the second one is one of the most successful and profitable singers and is more of a plus-size woman at the same time. Speaking of plus-size women, I suggest looking at celebrities like Queen Latifah launching a plus-size clothing line. Before, it was unthinkable to display old women and whenever this happens, they were transformed in such a way that they will have no wrinkles and will look no older than thirty. Now, media is overwhelmed by statements like â€Å"Demi Moore is not afraid of getting old†. Different age, colour, even sexual orientation (Ellen DeGeneres- openly gay TV host) have started to get accepted by general public and gain more popularity in terms of the real representation of women. I would like to conclude that there are still stereotypes and a common misrepresentation of women in the media but it is all starting to create a greater variety of beauty standards which result in a more realistic, though still demanding, conception of beauty and femininity. References 1. Baudrillard, J. (ed.) (1988) Selected Writings, Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2. BBC News World Edition, Feb 5. 2003, The Diet business: Banking on failure. 3. Beauty and Body Image in the Media 4. Berger, J. (1972) Ways of Seeing, Harmondsworth: Penguin. 5. Briggs, A. and Cobley, P. (1998) The Media: An Introduction, Essex: Pearson Education Limited 6. Cantor, M. (1978) â€Å"Where are the women in public broadcasting?† in G.Tuchman (ed.) Hearth and Home: Images of Women in the Media, New York: Oxford University Press. 7. Centre for Policy Research for Women and Families, Washington, D.C. 8. 9. 10. Friske, J. (1987) Television Culture, London: Methuen. 11. Goffman, E. (1979) Gender Advertisements, New York: Harper Row. 12. Handout â€Å"Is Media Sexist† 13. Kilbourne, J. (2001) Cant Buy My Love, New York: Touchstone. 14. Moore, S. (1998) â€Å"Heres looking at you, kid!† in L.Gamman and M.Marshment (eds) The Female Gaze, London: Womens Press. 15. MTV Programming; and Media Use in America, 2000, Mediascope 16. The Canadian Womens Health Network (Body Image and the Media). 17. Time, Nov 11. 1996, Barbie boots up. 18. Turner, L. (2004), Cosmetic Surgery: the new face of reality TV 19. Wolf N. (ed.) ( 2002) The Beauty Myth, London: Chatto Windus

Saturday, October 12, 2019

False Memory Syndrome Essay -- Psychology Disorders Essays

False Memory Syndrome How accurate and reliable is memory? "Studies on memory have shown that we often construct our memories after the fact, that we are susceptible to suggestions from others that will help us fill in the gaps in our memories" (Carroll 6). Prior to reading and discussing the issue of False Memory Syndrome, I hadn’t thought much about the topic. Maybe a person who had experienced this would be more educated. I did however find it very interesting to research and my beliefs or feelings about it now exist and will be shared at a later time. The purpose of this paper is to describe what False Memory Syndrome is and summarize some of the facts that have been gathered through previous research and my own research. The definition of False Memory Syndrome, according to the Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary, is a "psychological condition in which a person believes that he or she remembers events that have not actually occurred" (Freyd 3). Dr. John F. Kihlstrom, a professor of psychology at Yale University also suggests that FMS is a condition in which a person’s identity and interpersonal relationships are centered around memory of traumatic experience which is objectively false, but in which the person strongly believes. This false memory has been so deeply ingrained that is often interferes with the individuals personality and lifestyle. The disorder will sometimes be destructive because the individual will avoid any type of confrontation that might challenge the memory. This often distracts the person from coping with everyday life challenges (Freyd 2). When a couple was accused by their own daughter for abuse that had never happened, the couple, Pamela and Peter Freyd, formed the False ... ... Works Cited Pendergrast, Mark. Victims of Memory: Sex Abuse Accusations and Shattered Lives. Hinesburg: Upper Access, Inc. Ofshe, Richard and Ethan Watters. Making Monsters: False Memories, Psychotherapy, and Sexual Hysteria. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1994. Carroll, Robert Todd. "Memory." The Skeptics Dictionary. 1998. (01 Dec 2000). Hochman, John, M.D. "Recovered Memory Therapy and False Memory Syndrome." Altedena: Skeptics Society, 1994. fms.html (20 Nov 2000). Freyd, Pamela, Ph.D. "Frequently Asked Questions." Philadelphia: False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Sept. 1995. (20 Nov 2000). Freberg, Laura. Stand!. Boulder: Coursewise Publishing Inc., 1999.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Comparing Confucianism and Daoism Essay

Philosophical Daoism and early Confucianism have very different views on the way we should live life. If I was to choose a path in life to follow it would be the Confucianist path. Confucianism is a lot more controlled then Daoism. Daoism focuses on wu-wei, which translated is non-action. Non-action means that the Daoists believe the best way to live life is to just go with the flow, and not interrupt the natural course of life. Looking at such perspectives on life only brings chaos to my mind, as a society with a â€Å"go with the flow† attitude could cause a lot of problems. Without rules, regulations, or rituals to follow I feel that people would take advantage of this and simply do whatever it is they wish to do. The Daoist text, Tao Te Ching, does not have specific rules to abide by. It preaches messages via stories on how to live, which are then interpreted into guidelines that the Daoists follow. On the contrary, in Confucianism we are exposed to a way to live in order to achieve the good that is within all of us. Confucius believed that society was naturally good, but he felt that the society was getting corrupted with bad morals that focused on money, profit, and power (Lecture notes November 1,2011). In order to achieve the human goodness that we all have within us, and that we had in the past, he offered his followers two different choices to follow. The first choice involved education, which was accomplished through the five classics; the second method was through simple observation, letting life educate you (Lecture notes, November 3,2011) . These strategies represent moral force rather than physical force, and they cultivate human goodness. Along with these two ideas on how to cultivate human goodness, Confucius strictly believed that ritual, Li, would be the key to achieving good manners. The Master said, So long as the ruler loves ritual, the people will be easy to handle. (14. 44)† (Course Reader 3, p. 335) Confucius regulated his people through the religious rituals, rules, and by enforcing education with the intention that it would help cure his people of the corruption they have endured. Unlike the Daoist path, Confucius clearly had a smart approach on how to handle the current political situation in his country, by assuming ritual would put an end to current conflicts. If people were to follow the Daoist perspective on life it would lead to many conflicts due to the lack of control on people’s actions. These conflicts could grow into a more serious war between people, simply causing more suffering, which is why I would choose the Confucianist path over the path of Daoism. Even though Daoism would seem to cause more problems in society, some aspects of the religion are advantageous. Most people in life do not like to be dictated, and told what to do. Unlike Confucius the Daoists believe that forcing an act, such as educating yourself, is unnatural. Confucius dictated his followers to persevere in education, and this is a possible demand that some may not have followed as it was an act they were told and forced to follow in order to cultivate human goodness. The Daoists believe that going against this natural flow in life takes more vital energy, making the Daoist religion somewhat more plausible then Confucianism(Lecture notes, November 17,2011). But, the freedom in the Daoist religion may also be displeasing when it is looked at as a disadvantage. In Daoism, there is no harsh judgement on morality, meaning there is no good or bad, or right and wrong. The impact of this belief is evident when observing drastic situations such as wars, murders, and robberies. If there is no good or bad, society would have no morals when making decisions. This has a detrimental effect on the Daoist religion because the decisions people make in life could lead to large conflicts and suffering among people when they are made lacking morality. Confucianism on the other hand, lacks answers when the topic of the after-life comes up. Confucius never seemed to talk about the after-life, nor would he have an answer for someone if they were to have asked him about it. Till you know about the living, how are you to know about the dead? (11. 11)† (Course Reader 3, p. 342). Confucius avoided this topic and focused on current life issues, as he wanted to fix the current problems in his country. He looked up to the Duke of Chou, who was a politician, rather than a higher spiritual figure. This shows Confucius’ political rather than religious strategy to fix current problems around him (Lecture notes, Novemeber 8 2011). Confucianism demonstrates a weakness to it’s beliefs because as human beings we want to feel secure, and are curious about the afterlife. By not having an answer to what happens when we die, and by not having any views on the after-life, Confucianism neglects certain questions we want answered. From another point of view, Confucianism gives us exactly what we need to do in order to achieve human goodness. Confucius proposed two methods to cultivate goodness, education and simple observation. Confucianism is regulated, and unlike Daoism which can lead to chaos and disorder among people, the Confucianist path if followed correctly can lead to human goodness. Mencius also believed in goodness, because he taught his followers that all human beings are born good. Mencius believed in good and bad, and he described good as sympathetic compassion. Sympathetic compassion is the inability of humans to bare the suffering of others. Mencius also taught his followers that through education they can develop sympathetic compassion (Lecture notes, November 3,2011). The idea of human goodness, and the stability of a regulated religion based on ritual is what makes Confucianism more favourable. Despite the pros and cons mentioned for each religion, Confucianism is the better alternative due to its safe qualities. By following Confucianism there would be less worries about war and conflicts occurring due to choices made with the lack of morality. Confucianism would direct people towards the right direction in life, by teaching the followers how to cultivate human goodness. By cultivating human goodness, the Confucianist society would only ameliorate themselves as people. The path of Confucianism would be a strong and supportive religion to follow that would contribute to contentment for it’s followers along with those around them.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Drinking and Driving: Underage, Military & Binge Drinking

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 UNDERAGE DRINKING†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 MILITARY UNDERGE DRINKING†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 7 BINGE DRINKING†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 8 CONCLUSION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 11 RECOMMENDATIONS/SOLUTIONS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 11 MILITARY WINGMAN CONCEPT†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 13 ENFORCING THE LAW†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 15 WORKS CITED†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 17 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSReported Drinking Patterns Among Students†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦ 6 Table 1 Binge Drinking Prevalence, Frequency, and Intensity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 Michael J. Green Professor Paul Rosenberg Writing for Managers 2 March 2013 Drinking and Driving: Underage, Military and Binge Drinking We all know one of the worst decisions we can make as responsible drivers is to get behind the wheel after a night out on the town where we may have had a few too many alcoholic beverages. We may not even be in a condition to make a rational judgment, let alone operate a vehicle.Underage Drinking We all know that underage drinking is when anyone under the legal drinking age of 21 drinks alcohol. Many teens face adult problems at a very young age. Underage drinking is a major problem among teens today. In today society, kids are being pressured into doing things at a very young age. Problem many parents are fa cing in their own life are also posing as problems on their kids. Aside from being illegal, underage drinking can bring about public health problems.According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism underage drinking risks include: â€Å"Death – 5,000 people under the age of 21 die each year from alcohol-related car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning, and other injuries such as falls, burn, and drowning. † (NIAAA) We are not only talking about deaths as well as serious injuries, impaired judgment, increased risk for physical and sexual assault and brain development problems. (NIAAA). As you can see there are serious risks involved with underage drinking.Compare and Contrast Driving in the Winter and Driving in the SummerHow can you recognize the signs of underage drinking? Here are some signs that can help you recognize underage drinking. We’ve all probably seen some of these warning signs at one point in our life. But how much att ention did you really give them. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism here are some warning signs that can help you recognize underage drinking. Has there been a change in their academic grades or any behavioral problems at school? Has there been a change in who they hang out with?Have they appeared to be less interested in their favorite activity or sporting event? Do they not want to be seen in public or make an appearance at a family function? Can you smell alcohol on their breath or have you found empty or full alcoholic beverages on them or in their room? Do they have slurred speech or muscle coordination problems, such as walking in a straight line? (NIAAA) Again these are just some of the warning signs that can help your recognize that your teenager maybe drinking alcohol.As you can see from the below chart there’s a high percentage of 12th graders, 42% to be exact, that have had an alcoholic beverage in the past month. If you add up all three grades you get a total of 81% of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders that have drank in the past month. I find this to be an alarming rate and we have to do something to decrease these numbers. (L. Johnston) Military Underage Drinking We all know that you only have to be 18 to enter the military or 17 with your parent’s permission.So we can serve our country and die for this country but we can’t have an alcoholic drink, legally, until we are 21. Underage drinking in the military is nothing new. I remember when I first came in the Air Force, even though the legal age to drink was 21, nobody really said or did anything about underage drinking. Man how times have changed! Military members between the ages of 18 and 25 tend to be heavy drinkers, more so than their civilian peers. (Rhem) I’m not surprised or really alarmed by this but did you know that 21% of military members admit to heavily drinking.What I am alarmed by though is this statistic hasn’t been low ered in 20 years. Alcohol abuse costs the Department of Defense over $600 million a year to either treat members or account for lost time at work. The Department of Defense has decided to take a new approach to lower these statistics. According to LtCol Wayne Talcott senior officials like a new approach to preventive maintenance â€Å"You maintain a jet engine so it doesn’t fall out of the sky. † â€Å"We need to begin to look at where there are risks to the human weapon system and how we can build a system that protects our people. (Rhem) The military usually waits till there is a problem with alcohol abuse before doing anything about it. However, recently we have seen an increase in developing new programs or procedures to educate our military members about the severity of alcohol related problems. We just want to get the right message to the right people about making better decisions about their drinking behavior. Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 111 – Drunken or reckless operations of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel. General, Manual for Courts-Martial United States) As you can see, the military has its own set of rules that members have to follow. Even though the military laws are similar in nature to civilian laws we are held to a higher standard. Some tools that commanders can use to manage alcohol abusers are: Line of Duty determination; Actions involving security clearance, access to classified information or access to restricted areas; Duty assignment review to determine if the member should continue in current duties; Unfavorable Information File or control roster actions based on alcohol related isconduct or substandard duty performance; Separation under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for document failure to meet standards; and Administrative demotion, withholding of promotion and denial of reenlistment. (General, The Military Commander and the Law) Line of Duty determination is used to determine if the illness, injury, or disease existed prior to service (EPTS) and if the EPTS condition was aggravated by military service.It is used to determine whether or not the illness, injury, or disease, or death occurred while the member was absent from duty and whether or not the illness, injury, disease or death was due to the member’s own misconduct. Once the findings are revealed from the Line of Duty investigation, it may impact the following areas: You may not be eligible for disability retirement and/or severance pay; you may not be entitled to pay and allowances; your current enlistment could be extended to include any period of time that you were unable to perform your duties; you could be denied your veteran benefits or medical benefits.If the line of duty investigation finds you guilty you could lose out on more than you thought. (General, The Military Commander and the Law) As you can see, Commanders have several tools at their disposal to prevent or correct alcohol related incidents. But that doesn’t mean they can prevent all of them. Binge Drinking Binge drinking is the most common pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration to . 08 grams percent or above.This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours. (Alcoholism) According to national surveys: One in six U. S. adults binge drinks about four times a month, consuming about eight drinks per binge; While binge drinking is more common among young adults aged 18-34 years, binge drinkers aged 65 years and older report binge drinking more often – an average of five to six times a month; Binge drinking is more common among those with household incomes of $75,000 or more than among those with lower incomes; Approximately 92% of U.S. adults who drink excessi vely report binge drinking in the past 30 days; Although college students commonly binge drink, 70% of binge drinking episodes involve adults age 26 years and older; The occurrence of binge drinking among men is twice the occurrence among women; Binge drinkers are 14 times more likely to report alcohol-impaired driving than non-binge drinkers; About 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinks and more than half of the alcohol consumed by adults in the United States is in the form of binge drinks. CDC) Frequent binge drinkers can have the most serious health problems. These people are seven to sixteen times more likely, than non-binge drinkers to have missed classes, gotten behind in their school work, engaged in unplanned sexual activity, and not used protection during sexual intercourse, had run-ins with police, damage property, and been injured or hurt. (CDC) As you can see from the above chart binge drinking happens in all age groups, race and ethnicity group’s, educational levels, and in all income levels.Conclusion I’ve talked about several problems that are related to underage, military and binge drinking and driving. Why I talked about all three of these types is that they intertwine with one another. Most if not all of us had a drink before we were 21, I know I did. Does that make it right for the next generation to continue to do so? Who’s to say! We have come a long way since I was under 21 and we still have a long ways to go. I don’t think we will ever completely get rid of underage, military or binge drinking and driving.It’s going to happen! But we can make some recommendations or solutions to educate our kids. Recommendations/Solutions In my opinion there is no right way or wrong way about reducing underage, military or binge drinking and driving. Each state and/or city may have their own way of trying to reduce drinking and driving. But here are s ome examples of what is being proposed and done in the Cheyenne, Wyoming area on Military bases and on College campuses throughout the state.How can we improve the educational processes to educate our youth about the dangers of alcohol? What we do know is that educational programs that only provide information or that focuses on self-esteem or resisting peer pressure haven’t been effective. The Wyoming youth group is proposing a more aggressive approach. Instead of waiting till community colleges and Universities are experiencing binge drinking problems we need to start at the grade school and high school levels. (Group)Here is a detailed list of what the State of Wyoming is recommending at all educational levels: Developing school cultures that promote prevention and intervention policies; Increase state and local funding for prevention education in schools and colleges; work with senior administrators to understand what must be done to reduce underage drinking; make sure co lleges and universities adhere to policy enforcement and changes; ensure constant development and consistent communication with statewide colleges and universities; proper certification for employees serving alcoholic beverages; encourage youth involvement for positive change. Group) Here is what the State of Wyoming is recommending at kindergarten through twelfth grade: See what programs have shown success and share them with other Wyoming schools. Provide education to school employees on how to identify underage drinking and how to handle the situation. Educate youth in making healthy, safe and lawful lifestyle decisions. Have alcohol-free events and activities. You can even go as far as doing random sobriety checks before people leave the event or activity.Educate the youth about the dangers of underage drinking to include brain damage, addictive disorders and legal consequences that can arise from alcohol abuse. Talk with them about how alcohol can impair their performance stand ards in and out of the classroom. Provide education to both the kids and to the parents. Parents need to be able to communicate effectively with their children. Help them acquire necessary skills regarding advertising and promotion of alcohol. Establish support groups for kids when there is drinking in the home.Ask for feedback and/or surveys this will enable all parties to see what is and what isn’t working. (Group) For higher education the State of Wyoming is recommending the following programs: Utilize the best programs found by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This will help you in developing your own local college programs. The plans should include but are not limited to: screening and intervention strategies; encouraging alcohol free events or activities; limit alcohol related advertisement on campuses; enforcing campus policies and state and local laws; continuous research and program evaluation.Support efforts by colleges and Universities to red uce alcohol use; ask for support and help from senior leadership on college campuses to increase awareness of high-risk alcohol related activities; increase education to first year students, athletes and organizations that promote alcohol related activities; educate your staff, parents, and even alumni and warning signs of alcohol abuse; provide referral information and updates on policies and procedures; provide an anonymous student survey to see if the educational programs are working and underage drinking is decreasing.Now that we have the schools accounted for what about educating our parents. (Group) Here are some things you can do to ensure you provide the necessary education to their parents. Parents are the first line of defense at times and need to intervene when they see a problem. What can we do for the parents? Establish peer groups – social media is a great source to reach out to for assistance and guidance. Provide presentations by parents from parents that have lived through a death or alcohol related incident. Who is held liable for providing alcohol to minors? Provide effective ways for parents to talk to their children about alcohol abuse.Provide pamphlets to parents so they can identify the signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse. Educate the parents on how to host an alcohol free house party for their kid. (Group) These are some of the educational needs that the State of Wyoming is implementing or has implemented throughout the state. As you can see they are not just relying on the schools to intervene. They are making sure parents are involved and how to identify any signs or symptoms their child may be showing from alcohol abuse. I feel that these educational needs can be easily implemented within each and every state. Military Wingman ConceptThe term Wingman stems from a time-honored tradition within our Air Force flying community that essentially says a lead pilot will never lose his/her Wingman. It’s a promise, a pledge, a co mmitment between Airmen who fly. The Air Force has cultivated and instilled this same culture of commitment between all Airmen and Air Force civilians in all career fields and specialties via the Wingman program. Being a Wingman isn’t easy, but all Airmen at all levels of command have a role as Wingmen. How can you transfer this ability of being a wingman from military time honored tradition to a non-military environment?You would think this would be easy, but some people don’t recognize the concept. I’m going to use a sports analogy to help explain the Wingman concept. â€Å"Let’s say we have a highly skilled professional football team. Holes in the line open up an instant before the running back reaches them at full speed, allowing him to achieve a big gain. Pass receivers run complicated pass routes, turning back to look at the quarterback after the ball is already airborne on its way to them. Simultaneously, offensive linemen keep defensive players f rom reaching the quarterback just long enough for him to get the pass off†¦and not a moment longer.Meanwhile, the quarterback, without even looking at or coordinating with his blockers, knows just how long he can hold the ball before he has to get rid of it. And the timing of all this is compressed into less than four seconds. † (Dettmer) As you can see, the wingman concept can be carried over to non-military business situations. But we seldom see this in businesses. Businesses are still comprised of mutual activities that at times require a team effort to complete a project or task. Some of it may be due to the fact at the end of the day you get to go home and you don’t have to rely on them to save your life.The Wingman concept is simple and easy to implement into your work area, no matter where you work. To be a good Wingman all you have to do is take care of yourself and those around you. Some ways you could do this is when you are out with your buddies and they ’ve had a little too much to drink, you step up and tell them they’ve had enough. You don’t let your wingman get behind the wheel of a car after they’ve had anything to drink. It’s not about being their friend; it’s about saving their life or someone else’s life. In the end it comes down to making the Wingman concept a way of life, and not just a slogan.Enforcing the Law How can you control drunk driving? It requires four board strategies: Deterrence; Treatment; Information and education; and Prevention. I’m going to provide solutions on how we can implement all four and decrease or control drunk driving. What is deterrence and how can that control drunk driving? Deterrence is simple! However, it may not be all that simple to pass new laws that prohibit drunk driving. Deterrence is also enforcing existing laws and holding those that broke the law accountable. It’s basically like, striking fear into them if they do decide to drink and drive.A good example of this is the zero tolerance law. Not all states have this but some do. It’s a law that applies to anyone under the age of 21 that gets caught for drinking and driving. How embarrassed would you be if you got caught for drinking and driving and lost your driver licenses? If you were still in high school, most likely the whole school would know about it. This alone could be a deterrent for some, but maybe not for all. (Hedlund and McCartt) Treatment is about getting the help you need when you need it. Alcohol is a drug and if left untreated can cause serious damage to your health and to others around you.However, treatment sometimes only happens once you have been arrested or caught. The most difficult thing is to self-identify and get the help you need before it’s too late. Changing individual’s behavior is not easy. However, if you can assess all offenders equally and then assign them a treatment program that is appropriate f or their needs. (Hedlund and McCartt) Information and education by itself doesn’t decrease drinking and driving and has little or no effect on reducing it either. However, combined with deterrence and prevention programs it goes a long way.Educating the public on drinking and driving laws has proven very effective in reducing drinking and driving. For example those states that have â€Å"Zero Tolerance† laws in place 85% of drivers were not aware that the blood alcohol content for minors was different than for those that are over 21. With a little information and education in those states they reduced drinking and driving crashes by 30%. It has been proven that a little education can go a long ways. (Hedlund and McCartt) With prevention we have control over a few things. We can enforce the policies that are in place or create new one law’s.We have already established the legal age to drink alcohol is 21. By increasing the legal age from 18 to 21 this was an atte mpt to reduce underage drinking. We can regulate the places and time when you can purchase alcohol. You have to have a liquor license to sale or distribute alcoholic beverages. Some states also regulate on the day and time you can purchase alcohol. For example some states don’t allow you to purchase alcohol on Sunday before noon or not at all, and most states don’t allow the sale of alcohol after 2 a. m. We can also regulate the taxes on alcoholic beverages.For example the amount of taxes for alcoholic beverages in the State of Wyoming hasn’t increased since 1935. (Group) Prevention programs can make a difference, but even small measures are better than nothing at all. Programs like training bartenders or servers to know when they should stop serving to the customer have proved beneficial. In the end though, the best strategy for progress is through improved deterrence, with assistance from the other three strategies. Works Cited Alcoholism, National Institute o f Alcohol Abuse and. â€Å"NIAAA council approves definition of binge drinking. NIAAA Newsletter (2004): 3. CDC. â€Å"Vital signs: binge drinking prevalence, frequency, and intensity among adults – U. S. 2010. † MMWR Morb Mortal Weekly Report (2012; 61 (1)): 9-14. Dettmer, William. â€Å"The Wingman Concept. † 2006. The Wingman Concept. 2 Mar 2013. General, Judge Advocate. â€Å"Manual for Courts-Martial United States. † General, Judge Advocate. Manual for Courts-Martial United States. Maxwell AFB: The Judge Advocate General School, 2012. IV51 – IV53. General, Judge Advocate. â€Å"The Military Commander and the Law. † General, Judge Advocate. The Military Commander and the Law.Maxwell AFB: The Judge Advocate General School, 2012. 215-223. Group, Cody Youth. â€Å"Wyoming Cares. † Jan 2012. http://www. wyocare. org/items/get_pdf/1416%20%20problems%20and%20solution%20document. 2 Mar 2013. Hedlund, James H. and Anne T. McCartt. Drunk Driving: Seeking Additional Solutions. Traffic Safety. Washington D. C. : Preusser Research Group, Inc, 2002. L. Johnston. â€Å"Centruy Council. † Dec 2012. Centery Council. 2 March 2013. NIAAA. National Institute on Alchohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 2013. 2 March 2013. Rhem, SSgt Kathleen T. â€Å"Alcohol Abuse Costs DoD Dearly. † U. S. Military (2000): 1.