Monday, February 24, 2020

Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution Essay

Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution - Essay Example Nonetheless, the common man in the United States enjoys his/her fundamental rights. S/he can sue the national government if s/he feels that his/her rights are violated. The United States Constitution supports the federal form of government. This is governance by the rule of law. The essence and treatment of law is supposed to be with the judiciary. The judiciary interprets the law. The new framework of the Constitution does not overtly affect the liberty of citizens except on the issue of taxes. There are taxes levied by the federal and state governments. The US citizen has the right to expression, movement and to earn his living. The Constitution does not come in the way of these. The same sex marriage and abortion laws differ between the states. There are variations in same sex and abortion laws and these persuasions are supposed to be in the best interests of the citizens. (David T. Canon et al) In the same manner, there are other issues such as housing, medical care, employment, etc. where laws are framed for the good of citizens but are subject to dispute in the implementations. However, the overall position of the common man is significantly better when compared to other nations. The issues are between the states and the national government. ... where laws are framed for the good of citizens but are subject to dispute in the implementations. However, the overall position of the common man is significantly better when compared to other nations. The States and National Government The issues are between the states and the national government. The United States is a large country with 53 states. The states provide the national government the means to stay alive. Hence, provisionally the states are in a position to dictate terms to the national government. By itself, the national government does not have the wherewithal to survive. At best, it could try and keep itself afloat on negotiations. But such strategies do not last. The Civil War (1861-1865) was the defining moment for the bona fides of the national government. President Abraham Lincoln had to pay for it with his life. Nevertheless, he left a legacy for the national government to emerge stronger. It made conditions better for succeeding national governments to build and maintain an army. The federal government raises and supports an army. The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the army. The control and maintenance of the army gives the national government more powers vis--vis the states. Nonetheless, the maintenance of an army can only play limited role. Other countries ruled by the army are not effective as the United States. Hence, although the president of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the army, the country still enjoys democracy. The rule of law is prevalent and there is election once every four years. Foreign Affairs At the time the US Constitution replaced the Confederation, the United States was not a super power. It was more seized of

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Drama, Comed, and Documentary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Drama, Comed, and Documentary - Essay Example Generally, both drama and comedy attract a larger audience when compared to documentaries. Comedy contains a lot of humor and therefore the liberals and the moderates make up the wide audience that is enjoyed. Conservatives, on the other hand, are able to relish documentaries, News and business channels and Sports. There are many similarities as well as differences between Drama, Comedy, and Documentaries. While Drama appeals to one's emotions and feelings, Comedy does not appeal to one's emotions but appeals to one's senses. If a person is not a humorous person or does not have a good sense of humor, he will not have the capacity to enjoy any type of Comedy. Drama does not have to be all that serious, neither does Comedy have to be totally hilarious. They could borrow from and lend to each other. Drama is based on people in difficult situations who try to find solutions to come out of it. It is primarily held together by emotionalism. It is supposed to look real and move the audiences emotionally. Comedy, on the other hand, is mostly hilarious and engages its audience by compelling them to interact, laugh, cry and exhibit the humorous side of their personality. In Drama, there is little or no interaction, but it makes one feel the situation that is being enacted. Drama draws its audience slowly and gradually, whereas Comedy has the capacity to grab at its audience on the spur of the moment. The centrifugal point in Drama is that it has a strong emotional knot that is slowly unraveled as the scenes proceed. Comedy could be a completely separate track all by itself and does not have to depend on other factors. In Drama, we have both Tragedy and Comedy. Tragedy goes beyond just Drama because it has heightened emotion, creates a greater impact on the audience and culminates in a catharsis.