Thursday, August 22, 2019

GI tract symptoms Essay Example for Free

GI tract symptoms Essay Nick has complained of â€Å"burning and prickly pain† in his feet, dizziness when he is standing or sitting, weak refluxes, being clumsy, vision changes, hearing changes, and trouble focusing. His symptoms are considered both sensory and motor.Nick’s symptoms are most likely due to peripheral nerve damage not central nervous damage. The component of the reflex arc that is most likely to be damaged is the integrating center. One or more regions of the CNS relay impulses from the sensory to the motor neurons, meaning that the impulses don’t ever reach the effectors and the motor neurons. The parasympathetic division of the ANS would be causing Nick’s GI tract symptoms because it is in controls of the inner workings of the body. The ANS control blood pressure by sensing a rise or fall in the about of blood pumping in the veins. Depending on that amount it either causes them to constrict o dilate at needed. During physical stress the part of the brain that interacts with the ANS to initiate the rapid heart rate and respiratory rate, elevated BP and extreme sweating is the prefrontal cortex. The Adrenergic receptors regulate the closing of sphincters and relaxation of the organ walls. Polyneuropathy is an appropriate term to use to describe Nick’s symptoms because his symptoms are caused by damage to more than one nerve. The symptoms that indicate polyneuropathy are the decreased ability to feel pressure or pain, burning and tingling in his feet, decreased refluxes, being clumsy and the dizziness. Nick’s symptoms indicate a peripheral polyneuropathy rather than a CNS lesion of the brain or spinal cord because they are symptoms related to sensation loss or weakness of certain areas. Symptoms related to the somatic reflexes are the weakness of reflexes, loss of pressure sensation and burning/tingling in his feet. Symptoms related to the autonomic reflexes are dizziness when sitting to standing and his GI tract symptoms.

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