Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Alexander the Great.

Alexander the Great. ALEXANDER THE GREATAlexander the Great was seen as a genius and the greatest conqueror of the classical times. He played many parts and was able to distinguish between those in everyday life. There is a wide variety of components involved with this leader but will focus on his background, cultural contributions, social conflicts, and the claim that he is a genius.Alexander was born in 356 B.C.E., the son of Phillip II and Olympias of Macedon. He was crowned Prince when he was being tutored by Aristotle, who trained him in rhetoric and literature that stimulated his interest in science, medicine, and philosophy. Alexander was first married to Roxanne in 327 B.C.E. and second to Barsine in 324 B.C.E., he bore no children with either wife. After his father was assassinated in 336 B.C.E., he became the King of Macedon and later the King of Asia. Alexander also founded Alexandria, after completely defeating the Persians at the battle of Arbela in 331 B.C.E.Alexander Muir Public School, To ronto, 1902 [OHQ-P...slaves. Alexander's next attempt was to defeat Persia. He could never be the dominantforce in his area as long as the Persian ruler Darius was still living. After beating Persiathe second and final time in 332, Darius, who managed to survive, fled to the mountains.He died in the mountains when one of his own noblemen killed him. With Darius dead,Alexander was crowned King of Persia and became known as the king of all Asia.Babylon surrendered after Gaugamela, and the city of Susa with its enormous treasureswas soon conquered. Then, in midwinter, Alexander forced his way to Persepolis, thePersian capital. After plundering the royal treasuries and taking other rich booty, heburned the city during a drunken binge and thus completed the destruction of the ancientPersian Empire. His domain now extended along and beyond the southern shores of...

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