Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Organizational Behaviour Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Behaviour Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness. Answer: Introduction Employee motivation is an aspect through which the employees are motivated to work hard and achieve the organizational goals. The motivation of the employees is depended upon several factors which are explained in various motivational theories. There are several needs which are required to be satisfied for achieving the employee motivation. The essay will have an in-depth analysis of various motivational theories such as Hierarchy theory, two factor theory, equity theory, three needs theory, goal theory, and expectancy theory of motivation (Baker, 2011). The organizations are achieving huge success by having greater employee engagement and employee motivation such as up surge revenues, higher employee satisfaction, increased productivity, elevated retention rate, higher brand image and strong position in the market. There number of practices the organizations are introducing so that they can have the employee motivation. The various philosophers have developed the motivational theori es so that the increasing needs of the employees can be met effectively (Dartey-Baah and Amoako, 2011). All these theorists have their vital role in providing the organizations with numerous befits related to higher employee motivation and employee engagement. The essay will provide information regarding the association between motivation and employee engagement, various theories of motivation, comparing and evaluation of theories, practical application of theories and a concluding paragraph. Motivation and Employee Engagement Motivation is the primary key to success. This is a well set and well defined concept in the organization and motivational concepts and theories. The basic purpose of motivation is to boost the morale of the employees by providing them the best possible facilities and satisfying their needs and requirements. The higher the organizations pay concern over the development of the employees the greater is the motivational level. The employee engagement can be explained as the involvement or engagement of the workers of an organization in the actions and operations of the organization (Manzoor, 2012). From almost a decade the organizations are laying high focus upon the employee engagement concept. There are striving hard and implementing several policies and practices to provide the employees a safer and secure environment with extensive number of opportunities to have their personal development. There are number of benefits which are associated with employee engagement such as increased productivity, the highly engaged employees give their 100 percent to the organization and provide increased productivity in terms of quality and efficiency to the organization. The next benefit is higher retention rate, the engaged and satisfied employees always try to get success and associate with the organization for longer time frame which results into high and elevated retention rate of the employees. The other benefits are high level of innovation in the organization as employees also provide their view points and ideas in the development t of the organization (Zhang and Bartol, 2010). Increased revenues and profits and higher employee satisfaction are the primary three benefits of higher employee engagement. Motivation and employee engagement together are the two best approaches through which the organization achieve ladders of success. Both motivation and employee engagement are interconnected. The increased motivation results into higher level of employee engagement as the increased morale of the employee are connected with the organization in an improved and better way. It is necessary for the organizations to emphasis on both the factors i.e. to motivate the employees through various practices and incentives as well as to have higher employee engagement by indulging the employees in the functioning and decision making of the organization (Crawford, LePine and Rich, 2010). Evaluation, comparing and contrasting of the various motivational concepts and theories In all the motivational theories the basic and the primary objective is similar which is to motivate the individuals I n some or other way. There are different approaches explained in understanding the behaviour of the individuals and how they can have improved motivation in all the motivational theories. In evaluation of the theories it is found that there are few similarities among all of them. The similarities includes all the theories have a similar goal i.e to motivate the employees. Second, there always needed a long time for acquiring all the requirements needed for motivation and third, each motivational theory emphasis the employees to select that which goal or which specific need will motivate them. In comparison of Maslow need theory with the Herzberg theory it has been analyzed that the hygiene factors of the Herzberg theory are identical with the safety and physiological needs of Maslow theory. For instance, in need theory to reach safety hierarchy there is requirement t o earn money and so the financial incentive i.e. salary is a hygiene factor. There are few differences also in the Herzberg theory there is stated the factors which dissatisfy the employees whereas in all other theories the factors which motivate the employees are mentioned. So in a overall evaluation, comparing and contrasting kit can be said that all the theories have their vital importance in motivating the employees but with different and diverse approaches. There is a need of all the theories in organization varies from function to function. Role of motivational theories in increasing employee engagement For achieving success every organization is required to have motivated and engaged employees at their workplace. The motivation theories have a vital role in increasing the employee engagement as these ate the groundings over which the commitment and the involvement of the employees depend upon. There are basically six major motivational theories which improve and enhance the employee engagement which includes Hierarchy of Needs, Two factor theory, Equity theory, three needs theory, Goal setting theory and Expectancy theory (Khattak and Durani, 2011). The Hierarchy of needs theory safeguards and ensures that the lower level needs of the employees is satisfied. The theory is proposed by Abraham Maslow. It offers several opportunities to the employees for achieving their needs of all other higher levels. For motivating the employees through the need theory there are five different levels i.e. physical, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. There are provided several benefits and incentives to the employees for accomplishing their needs of all the levels. The organizations that are able to satisfy the needs of the employee at the most highest level are high in achieving employee engagement and motivation (Kaur, 2013). In the two factor theory of motivation, the issues of the employees related to dissatisfaction and the motivation both are recognized as two different aspects. There takes place redesigning of the jobs and the work so that there can be increased motivation. This theory was framed by Frederick Herzberg. There are number of things which are used to increase the motivation of the employees such as by providing them growth opportunities, additional responsibilities, meaningful work or job role, recognition and achievements. There are separate rooms for addressing the thing which dissatisfied the employees such as inadequate working conditions, tough policies and practices (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). In the Equity theory framed by John Adams, the employees are motivated basically with the fair and equitable systems in the organizations. The employees are treated with complete fairness with no inequality issues. The employees get motivated by comparing themselves with other employees so that they can evaluate whether they have been treated and paid on a fair and equity basis on it. As per the results of the evaluation they improve their performance and get motivated to work hard (Bell and Martin, 2012). In the three needs theory developed by David McClelland the employees are motivated through setting up of somewhat moderately difficult aims and goals so that they can have their efforts to achieve them. The organization provides continuous concrete feedbacks to the employees regarding their achievement of the set difficult goals. In this motivation theory McClelland explains that there are primarily three needs of the employees i.e. achievement, affiliation and power. And thus the first and primary efforts are laid over the achievement of the goals. Once the employees achieve their goals they get motivated to work hard and attain affiliation and power in the coming time period (Forbes, 2011). In the Goal setting theory, developed by George Odiorne, the primary focus of the organization is on the establishment of the measurable objectives and goals after having a consultation with the employees. The organization interconnects the goals of the employees with the objectives of the company so that there can be accomplishment of the shared and the mutual goals. The organization also provides regular and continuous feedback to the employees so that they can achieve the goals in a much fast way. The main factor which helps in motivating and increasing employee engagement is by making the employees participated in the setting up of the tough and challenging goals. After setting up of these goals the employees try to understand their role in achieving those goals and later on the progress and growth is determined (Shantz and Latham, 2011). In the Expectancy theory, framed by Victor Vroom the employees get motivated as the organization provide the employees number of opportunities to have success and growth. There is also offered amply reward success as well as a clear interconnection among the success and the associated rewards is defined and explained b y the organization to the employees so that they can understand the importance of success in terms of rewards. The employees get motivated as they made some sort of expectations from the organizations fir their continuous efforts. They expect value for the success they have attained and the rewards motivate the employees to keep going in the similar direction and continue with their achievements and hard work (Blue, 2011). All these motivational theories have a greater role in enhancing the engagement and involvement of the employees. This result into improve association among the employees and the organization as well as better productivity is received from the employees which results into organizational growth and success (Nickols, 2010). Practical application of the theories relative to improving employee engagement within the organization There are various incidents where the senior level management uses these motivational theories to achieve greater employee engagement as well as to motivate them. There are few practical implications of the motivational theories such as Chip Conley who is the Head of Hospitality at Airbnb and founder of the hotel chain, Joie de Vivre have taken use of the Hierarchy of Needs Motivational Theory for transforming the business and motivating the staff. He organized a retreat for the employees and there he asked a question from the housekeeping staff that if there someone came from Mars and see the housekeeping staff performing their work then from what particular name he will call you? There were few beautiful names that came such as The Peace of Mind Police, The Clutter Busters and The Serenity Sisters. The housekeeping staff realized that they are not performing an undervalued job rather they are performing much more than housekeeping. They develop a space for the travelers to relax an d feel safe who are far away from their homes. Thus improved and boost the motivation of the staff and they understand the importance of their work. Thus the need hierarchy theory worked (Panay, 2014). Another practical application through which there can be increased employee engagement is analyzed in a way that in any organization where employees had a failure in achieving the targets set or fails in attaining the desired results that there are various things which can affect the motivation of the employee in the future. There has been used three need theory to have an increased motivation of the employee. The three attributes which need to be focus upon is stability, Locus of control and controllability. The first attribute focuses upon stability which analyzes that how much stable the attribute was. There should always be lower stability of the attributions to have improved motivation in the future such as the employee was ill or was going through any other family problem. The second attribute is Locus of control, it should not be internal such as the employee was not capable of rather it should be external that he did not receive appropriate trainings. It will improve the resu lt and motivation in coming tine period. The third attribute is controllability; the employees must feel like that the factors which caused failure were uncontrollable so atht they can again give a try and achieve positive outcomes rather than having a negative approach (Panay, 2014). There are various others numerous practical incidents and applications which have the introduction of the motivational theories in the organization so that the employees can have improved involvement and engagement in their work and can be motivated. Conclusion Motivation is the primary factor in the organization for achieving success and future growth. The essay clearly describes that there are various motivational theories which have their involvement in the development of motivation in the employee as well as to help the organizations by providing various approaches to have increased motivation. There are various theories which have been explained in the essay (Rich, Lepine and Crawford, 2010).The evaluation and the comparison of the theories state that there is a similarity in all the theories that is the final goal is to motivate the employees by satisfying the needs of the employees. The essay also provides practical application of the theories which shows that the motivational theories are of vital significance in changing the thought process of the employees and boosting their morale in an optimistic way (Gruman and Saks, 2011). Thus from this it can be concluded that the organizations are required to have their increased focus upon the employee engagement and the motivation of the employees. The greater the motivation will be the better and the improved revenues, retention rate brand image and productivity of the organization will take place. References Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Bakker, A.B., 2011. An evidence-based model of work engagement.Current Directions in Psychological Science,20(4), pp.265-269. Bell, R.L. and Martin, J.S., 2012. 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