Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Security Agency Surveillance And Cyber Attacks

Communications Security April M. Walker American Military University Communications Security Communications Security is critical to preventing adversaries from obtaining information traversing the internet. With today’s technology just about all information is being transmitted via the internet or phone lines or mobile radios. This can be anything from credit card payments for online purchases to classified secret level or above information for military operations. The technology involved in the area evolving crypto systems such as KG-175s, emissions security or TEMPEST requirements protecting emanations, physical security like ensuring material is accounted for, and transmissions security or protecting information from interception. To support the ever growing technology there is specific equipment and storage requirements for network traffic and voice traffic. There is even equipment devised just to manage and account for the encryption devices on the network. The companies and organizations overseeing communicati ons security include the National Security Agency, General Dynamics, and the Committee on National Security Systems. Finally there are global implications for communications security. National Security Agency surveillance and cyber attacks are among the most relevant concerns in today’s communications security. First discussed will be the technology involved in the area. Technology in communications security is ever evolving. The need for improvingShow MoreRelatedCybercrime Is A Serious Issue1444 Words   |  6 PagesWhat are the main risks to cyber security and are states or non-state actors the main challenge? Word Count 1188 Cybercrime is a serious issue that the international community faces today, with risks such as theft, espionage, surveillance and sabotage, a very real and accessible threat exists. 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