Saturday, September 28, 2019

How safe is your school?

Can schools really be 100% safe for students? I have heard a lot about violent activities that have been happening in schools not only colleges, but elementary schools as well. People are shooting and killing innocent people. â€Å"The National Safety Center believes that schools have the choice to create and maintain safe schools or return to their institutions to safe, secure and effective places of learning†. So, why are we letting this happen? We need to make some changes to make our schools a safer place for students.There is no reason students should be endangered while in school. I honestly believe that you cannot make every school 100% safe for its students because, schools don't have enough security and precautions, people are not aware, and students don't have enough support, or people to talk to one on one. Schools cannot be 100% safe for their students without enough security and precautions. Almost all schools have security such as, locked doors, cameras, and alar ms, but that didn't stop all of the violence that has happened.For example, â€Å"A shooting rampage in this small Connecticut town left 28 people dead, including 20 children killed inside their elementary school, authorities said† known as Sandy Hook. Now obviously, schools were not taking precautions at all. This person went in an Elementary School and killed all those innocent children. I think that if there was security that would of never happened. Maybe if they try new safety tricks, things like this would not happen. What if you had to swipe a student card to get in the premises?Another thought, metal detector would come in handy so that people could not get away with bringing weapons through the doors. There should be no reason why people are being able to get away with killing innocent people in schools without any warning. Yeah, it may cost a little more money to put more security in schools, but its well worth our safety. These people are getting away with killing those innocent students and I think it's sad to think this person was in that school and no one even noticed him. Another reason why schools cannot be 100% safe is because people aren't aware as they should be.Half the time people don't pay that much attention to all the people they see. They wouldn't know if they go to the school or not. At a lot of schools, the doors are always open. The schools are pretty much welcoming anyone to come in. Especially in colleges, students are allowed to come and go as they please so, how would anyone know who's coming in or who's gone all the time. Schools need to have a check and go system or something of the sort. You should always be aware of your surroundings. Also, people talk a lot and we never know if there being serious or not.When someone were to talk about shooting up the school or bombing, most people would probably laugh and think it's a Joke because, most teenagers especially are caught up more in themselves then other people. People fail to realize the seriousness of violence. We think it would never happen to our school, but we wonder why it is happening to so many. This trend seems to be continuous. I believe schools are targeted a lot because, there is a large amount of people in one place. It is easy for the person committing the crime to take out a bunch of people at once when all in the same area.I think the criminals commit these violent acts in schools because, of personal interest. I believe that they are driven to act out on innocent people by violent video games or following violent acts such as, Hitler. Some people don't know how to separate what is real and aka in the world. So when playing violent video games all the time could trigger violence in their head, making them want to act out. As for the Hitler act, some people look up to him as an idol and want to follow his footsteps. They feel by harming others, they are honoring him.Or, maybe some people do these violent acts to make an impact. What if they want to be remembered for something and hurting people is the only thing they know in their head what to do that will make them noticed. It's a cry out for attention. (CNN) â€Å"Twenty-three year old Sung-Huh Choc killed 32 people on he Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University campus in Blackburn, Virginia, before taking his own life†. It makes me wonder why not only did this boy kill all those people, but he killed himself after.What was he thinking? This brings me to another point in which schools need more people available to talk to one on one with students? Now, I know every school has counselors for students to talk to but, some of the counselors don't have experience that these students need. It's easier to talk with someone when you can relate to that person. I feel that if students could feel unforgettable talking with a counselor, they could most definitely let out a lot of thoughts in their head, and get more things off their shoulders.I feel t hat most people don't feel comfortable talking to a counselor, so maybe if they tried to understand and relate, these students would be more open. Most people act out because, they have know where for these emotions to go, so they Just let them all out in the wrong way related to violence. People think that letting aggression out on others will solve their problems but, it doesn't. Counselors could really be helping dents with all this to make it a safer place for everyone. I personally think that schools cannot be 100% safe when students are crying out for help and don't know what direction to go.Everyone needs some type of support in their lives. When you have no one to talk to, you bottle everything up and eventually it's all going to come out. I really believe that being able to set your mind free of worry or negative thoughts, can and will make a better and safer person. All of these things are ways we can make schools a safer place for students, but it will never be a 100% saf e place until these things start to happen. Until we get all this new security and take more precautions were Just opening the doors for more unwelcome visitors.

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