Friday, September 27, 2019

Rhetorical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Rhetorical analysis - Essay Example The main theme for this speech was the need for equality and human rights that covers people from all racial backgrounds in the US. In order to achieve desired effects on the audience, King applies several rhetorical appeals pathos being among them. In the speech King employs the use of pathos which by definition is the appeal to the emotions in order to gain approval which enables him change the audience’s perceptions of race relations by convincing them not to hate each other on basis of race but to instead hate racism which will be the basis for a new, better world. During the delivery of the speech, King described the black people as being â€Å"crippled† by the â€Å"manacles of segregation† and â€Å"chains of discrimination† (Luther 1963). These words are specifically aimed at making the audience realize the situation of the black community who are in great calamity. By using the word â€Å"chains† King want the audience to realize that racial discrimination has made being black a crime. This is because innocent black people were being treated as if they had committed a crime and therefore, have to be restrained. Another instance of the use of pathos is the mention of the black people being stranded on a â€Å"lonely island of poverty† while rest of the American society were enjoying themselves in â€Å"ocean of material prosperity† (Luther 1963). This statement is meant to inform the audience that contrary to the ancient belief that the blacks were poor because they were not as clever as the whites , it was actually the white American society that was literally holding them back. Apart of the use of pathos to appeal to his audience, King also uses logos which is the use of reason by supplying the necessary data, evidence, and irrefutable facts when making an argument. King used a number of facts that were present in

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