Friday, May 15, 2020

Conflict Scenario Paper - 1174 Words

Confilct Scenario paper Conflicts are more common than not in this day and age. You can have a conflict in a work or school environment over anything. In order to fix most conflicts there has to be an open communication. Lack of communication can cause more problems than fix them. Since Greg does not want to talk to me, I’ll start by sending him an email stating that I did not understand what I did wrong. I would like him to email me back to let me know what was going on. Then if I did not receive an email from Greg, I would then try him by phone and leave a message if he did not answer my call. If he did not answer that message, then I would try and talk to him in person again. In person I would start off by saying, â€Å"I know†¦show more content†¦For the best results, a set of rules must be held, although not universal, they can be said to be the driving force behind having a positive working relationship with fellow employees or having one that can be said to be barely held togeth er by the thinnest of tape. Simple conflict control can be the first in any set of rules in keeping problems between a team down to a minimum. Problems seem to get out of control between co-workers because they have been allowed to fester and grow and soon the situation is totally out control. When a problem arises, nip it in the bud, stop an issue before it becomes an issue. Talking about the problem and not around it is the key to conflict resolution. Another rule could be in a working environment never allowing personal feelings to take over. Do not let after the job activities become part of the team cohesive. A good way of looking at this is to be friendly at work but not to be friends. We are very social creatures and nothing can tear apart a business relationship like a personal one. This leads too many of the problems mentioned above like side barring, intimidation and non participation. The last rule is to hold the dynamic that works, if you have a winning routine, go with it. If there is a certain way to cure problems,Show MoreRelatedDispute Resolution Innovations1082 Words   |  5 PagesThis paper will discuss innovative alternative dispute resolutions and how they may be used in a controversial conflict scenario. The writer will discuss these methods using an actual conflict scenario, describing how individuals involved in the conflict will benefit from these innovative methods rather than costly courtroom litigation. Alternative dispute resolutions are clearly the most beneficial conflict solution regardless of gender, cultural influence, and identity. 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