Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What are Agents of Socialization - 1413 Words

Socialization is a lifelong learning process essential for our development as human beings. Through socialization we acquire a sense of self as well as emotions. Socialization is an essential factor in shaping our behavior. Without socialization, people wouldnt be able to learn the language, symbols, values, and norms of the society their live in. They also wouldnt be able to find their place in society. Significant individuals and groups that have an impact on a persons socialization are referred to as agents of socialization. As life changes and individuals go through the various stages of life, their agents of socialization change as well. For example, the biggest influence on an infants life is their parents or guardians. Almost†¦show more content†¦While racism and prejudice were common in my family, my friends where raised by their families to be more open minded and appreciated diversity. Their views clashed with what I learned at home, however, I identified more with my peers views and made them my own. In fact, I felt more connected to my peers and their families than I did with my own family. My peer as well as the neighborhood I grew up in where essential agents of my socialization. For adults, the workplace tends to be an important agent of socialization. There they learn skills and a new perspective on the world. Work also becomes part of an individuals self-concept. When I first started working in the US, I was employed in retail. I chose this job in parts because of the socialization factor. I wanted to learn more about how Americans interact, and working in a retail environment seemed like a good place to do that. Working in a retail environment exposed me to a large group of people in a fairly short time. By watching my co-workers and through their input, I quickly learned to take on behaviors that are common in the US. Most importantly, my speech changed from the British English that I learned in school in Germany to more Americanized speech pattern. I constantly compared my own behavior, dress, and speech to that of my co-workers and adjusted mine to more closely resemble theirs. My co-workers and boss at the store had a very big impactShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"What Are the Most Important Agents of Socialization and How Are They Being Accounted for in Children Lives1423 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT AGENTS OF SOCIALI ZATION AND HOW ARE THEY BEING ACCOUNTED FOR IN CHILDREN LIVES† Parents are important agents of socialization but they are not the only source of socialization when it comes to kids. In my paper I will be discussing the important factors of socialization and what we perceive to be a turning point in our children lives. 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